Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 10 March 2025 2:25 PM



Hedge Clippings | 05 February 2021
5 Feb 2021 - Australian Fund Monitors
If 2020 was the year of COVID-19, then what will 2021 be remembered for? Maybe, based on the gyrations and manipulation of various stocks caught in a so-called "short squeeze", it will become the year when small investors, enabled and...
Hedge Clippings | 29 January 2021
29 Jan 2021 - Australian Fund Monitors
Deja Vu (all over again!). There's been increasing chatter and comment regarding an impending bursting of the global equities bubble - and who knows, this week may have seen the first glimpses of such an event. However, the difficulties of...
Hedge Clippings | 22 January 2021
22 Jan 2021 - Australian Fund Monitors
So the Donald has finally gone - or at least has left the White House - and thus a new era begins. In this week's edition of Hedge Clippings we give our thoughts on what we believe will be President Biden's greatest challenges in the year...
Hedge Clippings | 15 January 2021
18 Jan 2021 - Australian Fund Monitors
Happy New Year, and welcome back to Hedge Clippings for 2021! In this week's Hedge Clippings we discuss what's been happening between the end of last year and now, and also provide our thoughts on the environment fund managers can expect...
Hedge Clippings | 18 December 2020
18 Dec 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
As Hedge Clippings wraps up for the Christmas break, we reflect on what has been an extraordinary year. Obviously COVID has not only dominated the headlines, but created a new way of thinking about life, and how we live it. However even...
Hedge Clippings | 11 December 2020
11 Dec 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
From Gloom & Doom in 2020, through to Zoom, and in 2021, Boom! In this week's Hedge Clippings we discuss the recent boost in consumer confidence and the outlook for the local and global economies moving into 2021. News &...
Hedge Clippings | 04 December 2020
4 Dec 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
It's been what one might call a Topsy-Turvey year. Compared with where we were in April or May, or where Victoria was during their winter lockdown, Australia seems to have fared relatively well all things considered. In this week's Hedge...
Hedge Clippings | 27 November 2020
27 Nov 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Regular readers of Hedge Clippings would know that we're big fans of Australia's compulsory superannuation system. In fact, it is admired around the world. However, that doesn't mean it's perfect by any means. In this week's Hedge...
Hedge Clippings | 20 November 2020
20 Nov 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
It would seem that with the recount over in Georgia that Donald Trump will finally have to concede, although he's still fighting hard to have the result in Pennsylvania overturned and let the Republican controlled legislature choose the...
Hedge Clippings | 13 November 2020
13 Nov 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Words rarely fail Hedge Clippings, but Donald Trump's silence of the past week makes an exception to the rule. And while on the subject of rules, in this week we look at the rule of averages - and how misleading that can be when evaluating...



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