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Printed: 10 March 2025 8:14 AM



Hedge Clippings | 03 April 2020
3 Apr 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
"Only when the tide goes out do you discover who's been swimming naked" Hedge Clippings is happy to credit the above quote to Warren Buffett, as, amongst all the wise words he has spoken over the years, this seems the most...
Hedge Clippings | 27 March 2020
27 Mar 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Looking at fund performances as we do at AFM is always a case of looking at things through the rear-view mirror. As such, while we receive intra-month data from some managers, the reality is that firm data is only available for many funds,...
Hedge Clippings | 20 March 2020
20 Mar 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Hedge Clippings' first mention of the emergence of coronavirus was back at the end of January, less than 8 weeks ago. Since that time the situation has gone from concerning through to alarming, panic, and now to a change in the world as we...
Hedge Clippings | 13 March 2020
13 Mar 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
To say that we are in uncharted waters and facing a crisis of global proportions is probably not only stating the obvious, but also understating the severity of the situation. Whatever the situation was last week, or even yesterday, the...
Hedge Clippings | 06 March 2020
6 Mar 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
The market's recent chaos and panic as a result of COVID-19 has been nothing compared with that experienced in the toiletry aisles of Australian supermarkets this week. For a while it had Hedge Clippings both amazed and perplexed, and,...
Hedge Clippings | 28 February 2020
28 Feb 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
If reading this edition of Hedge Clippings has an element of déjà vu about it, it's probably because we wrote about the "unknown unknowns" of the coronavirus in Hedge Clippings just three weeks ago. At that stage we mentioned that the...
Hedge Clippings | 21 February 2020
21 Feb 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
This week we had the good fortune to host Chris Watling of Longview Economics who presented his overview and Latest Global Macro and Market Outlook. We have quoted Longview previously, and we would consider Chris to be one of the most well...
Hedge Clippings | 14 February 2020
14 Feb 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
Being the old-time romantic type, Hedge Clippings duly (and thankfully) remembered that today marks St Valentine's day, but we'd guess there's not too much kissing aboard the Coronavirus stricken Diamond Princess in Yokahama. Before we're...
Hedge Clippings | 07 February 2020
7 Feb 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
"Unknown unknowns" - The (now famous) response by US Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld, to a journalist's question way back in 2002 regarding the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq could well apply to the way the...
Hedge Clippings | 31 January 2020
31 Jan 2020 - Australian Fund Monitors
With scarcely a month gone in 2020, the year is shaping up to be tumultuous for all the wrong reasons - fossil fuels/climate change/global warming, widespread bushfires across the length and breadth of Australia, and now the World Health...



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