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Printed: 10 March 2025 1:35 AM



Hedge Clippings | 31 May 2019
31 May 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
Last week we thought it "more likely than ever" that next Tuesday's RBA meeting would result in a rate cut. According to the markets, and it seems 100% of the economists, that's now not only a certainty, but some are predicting a 50 BP...
Hedge Clippings | The excitement's over, now back to work!
24 May 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
After all the expectations and then, depending on one's political leanings, the excitement or disappointment of the final result, it's now back to normal. Or as near normal as life ever seems to be.
Monday Hedge Clippings - Better late than never!
20 May 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
Hedge Clippings was missing in action for last Friday's edition; maybe we had a premonition that any predictions might put the kybosh on the Sco-Mo Miracle. However, we did feel some-what vindicated when reminded of the poem included in...
Hedge Clippings | 03 May, 2019
3 May 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
This week saw the ongoing debate continuing between various economists over the likelihood of the RBA delivering a rate cut following their meeting next Tuesday, with about 50% of them thinking they will (or should) and the other 50%...
Hedge Clippings | 26 April, 2019
26 Apr 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
Reading the press - or more accurately the media as a whole - it seems many economists are predicting a rate cut from the RBA following their meeting on Tuesday week, May 7th.  However, we're not so sure - or at least not sure that it is...
Hedge Clippings | All eyes on the Federal Election. It's the economy, stupid!
12 Apr 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
I think we said at the start of the year, and maybe well back into last year as well, that in 2019 markets would be significantly dominated by geo-political issues. That's certainly been the case globally (Trump/China Trade Wars, and now...
Hedge Clippings | Impending election, RBA uncertainty and ASIC's sharpened teeth
5 Apr 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
Although we don't know the exact date yet, after this week's budget, and Bill Shorten's response, we're all set for a full scale "promise-athon" prior to the election. Apart from the usual handouts falling from the sky like confetti - or...
Hedge Clippings | Yield inversion and the "R" word
29 Mar 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
Everyone's talking about the "R" word, based on an inverted yield curve as Treasury yields tank and bond markets soar following the US Fed's recent policy about-turn - even to the extent that Germany issued more negative yield bonds this...
Hedge Clippings | 22 March 2019
22 Mar 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
In amongst the global political issues we cover each week, such as Trump (hasn't he been a gift that keeps on giving to the media?) and the political and economic train smash that is Brexit, today we're taking a look at equity markets over...
Hedge Clippings | Talking, talking, talking. Sooner or later you've got to walk...
15 Mar 2019 - Australian Fund Monitors
Is there any point in talking any more about Brexit? It would have contributed more column inches (that's how they measured media coverage prior to TV, the internet, and social media) on any subject since the end of WW2, but without a...



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