Fund Monitors Pty Ltd
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Printed: 10 March 2025 1:20 AM



Hedge Clippings
13 Feb 2015 - Australian Fund Monitors
AFM's "Looking Forward Looking Back" seminar, held yesterday in conjunction with Deloitte provided attendees with a reasonably universal view of the economic world and the challenges facing it, but some significantly different opinions on...
Hedge Clippings
6 Feb 2015 - Australian Fund Monitors
Expect the unexpected! A few years ago there was a rush of newspeak around the known knowns, and known unknowns, and unknown unknowns.
Hedge Clippings
30 Jan 2015 - Australian Fund Monitors
In spite of the risk of concentration in just a handful of stocks, and in spite of the risk of buying assets which on any normal valuation are significantly overpriced, investors are still happily allocating to equities and if the RBA cuts...
Hedge Clippings
23 Jan 2015 - Australian Fund Monitors
At present while the music is playing investors will have to keep dancing, but the issue is how long can the current environment last? We do believe that there will, as they say, be tears before bedtime when it changes.
Hedge Clippings
16 Jan 2015 - Australian Fund Monitors
Welcome back to Friday afternoons, and Hedge Clippings. Even if you're still on holiday, languishing on the beach, or quietly sipping a glass of something cool and refreshing, you'll be pleased to know that some of us at least are back at...
Hedge Clippings
19 Dec 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
This is the last edition of Hedge Clippings for 2014, but rest assured (or should that "be afraid"?) that, barring unforeseen circumstances, we will return in 2015. Although our offices will be closed from Christmas through until 12...
Hedge Clippings
12 Dec 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Thursday February 12th we are holding a lunchtime seminar for investors and advisers in conjunction with Deloitte entitled "Looking Forward, Looking Back" featuring the opinions and experience of some of Australia's best fund managers,...
Hedge Clippings
5 Dec 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Hedge Clippings is in part concerned, and in part excited by the fact that after today there are only two more Fridays before Christmas. On the one hand there seems an awful lot to do in a short space of time, while on the other a welcome...
Hedge Clippings
28 Nov 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Turning to Australia, in 2010 around 2.5% of China's total foreign investment was invested in Australia. Even if that percentage remains unchanged, the total level of Chinese investment into Australia could reach over A$200 billion, or...
Hedge Clippings
21 Nov 2014 - Australian Fund Monitors
Irrespective of the rights or wrongs of either side's opinions and arguments over the Government's Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) reforms, this week's about-face in the Senate seems to confirm a number of thoughts:



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April 2025
RBA - Monetary Policy Decision
1 Apr 2025 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM
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