16 May 2016 - Fund Review: Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund April 2016
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review. You are also able to view the Fund's Profile.
- The Fund is long biased, research driven, active equity long/short strategy investing in listed ASX companies with a nine-year track record.
- The Fund has significantly outperformed the ASX200 Accumulation Index since its inception in May 2006 and also has significantly lower risk KPI's. The Fund has an annualised return of 11.79% p.a. with a volatility of 7.30%, compared to the ASX200 Accumulation's return of 4.51% p.a. with volatility of 14.25%.
- The Fund also has a strong focus on capital protection in negative markets. Portfolio Managers Mark Burgess and Kristiaan Rehder have significant market experience, while Bennelong Funds Management provide infrastructure, operational, compliance and distribution capabilities.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.

16 May 2016 - Totus Alpha Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund is a long/short investment fund principally investing in listed entities, commodities, futures and options in Australia and internationally. The Fund is not a market neutral fund and accordingly may switch between net long positions and net short positions. The Fund may use short sales and derivatives. Gearing may be used to enhance returns and the Fund may be geared in excess of 100% of the Fund's Net Asset Value. There is a limit to net exposure of 150%. |
Manager Comments | At month-end, the fund had a net exposure of 47.8% and a gross exposure of 206.1%. The fund held 121 positions (57 long and 64 short) that were diversified across multiple investment themes. Top contributors in April were a short position in Nine Entertainment and long positions in Dominos and Freelancer. Biggest detractors were a short position in WorleyParsons and long positions in SmartGroup and Hansen. Click below to read the latest Fund's Monthly Report. |
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13 May 2016 - Jamieson Coote Bonds Active Fund
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Fund Overview | JCBAF seeks to establish a mid to long term core portfolio using both domestic and global macroeconomic analysis. This is overlaid with a number of valuation indicators and international market intelligence from a global network of market moving investors, including central bankers and hedge funds, to construct an optimal indexed portfolio allocation at any given time. The Fund recognises short term oscillations driven by technical factors and supply dynamics create opportunities within short term pricing cycles, which can generate significant alpha when managed within a risk adjusted framework. The Fund aims to outperform its index using duration and curve management at appropriate times in the pricing cycle whilst retaining a core long. The JCB Active Fund gives direct access to the management team whilst providing portfolio balance with increased capital stability and a fixed income streams with both income and principle repayment secured by the Australian or State Governments. |
Manager Comments | Click below to read the Fund Manager's market outlook. |
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13 May 2016 - Alexander Credit Opportunities Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund may also invest in derivatives for hedging purposes. The portfolio of the Fund comprises primarily Investment Grade holding of 75% of the Fund's assets. Benchmark allocations are Australasia 50% to 100%, North America 0% to 50% and Europe 0% to 50%. Currency hedging may take place depending on benefits to the Fund. |
Manager Comments | Click below to read the latest monthly report. |
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12 May 2016 - Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | Fund returns for April were impacted by the net short market exposure, averaging 17% of NAV. The performance was further impacted by the weaker stock price performance from some of the high conviction longs in the retail and media sectors. The Fund's tactical positioning in natural resources and some defensive consumer exposures worked well, posting solid gains. At month-end, the Fund's gross exposure was at 77% and net at -20%. Click below to read the latest Fund monthly report. |
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0.52 in April.
11 May 2016 - Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund's discretionary investment strategy commences with a macro view of the economy and direction to establish the portfolio's desired market exposure. Following this detailed sector and company research is gathered from knowledge of the individual stocks in the Fund's universe, with widespread use of broker research. Company visits, presentations and discussions with management at CEO and CFO level are used wherever possible to assess management quality across a range of criteria. Detailed analysis of company valuations using financial statements and forecasts, particularly focusing on free cash flow, is conducted. Technical analysis is used to validate the Manager's fundamental research and valuations and to manage market timing. A significant portion of the Fund's overall performance can be attributed to the attention and importance given to the macro economic outlook and the ability and willingness to adjust the Fund's market risk. |
Manager Comments | BHP Billiton, Pilbara Minerals, BWX, and Amcor were the largest positive contributors whilst Qantas, Share Price Index Futures contracts (hedging long positions), Mantra and Blackmores were the largest detractors. Net equity market exposure (including derivatives) was increased to 30.8% (43.7% long and 12.9% short). Click below to read the latest Fund Report. |
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11 May 2016 - Cyan C3G Fund
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Fund Overview | Cyan C3G Fund is based on the investment philosophy which can be defined as a comprehensive, clear and considered process focused on delivering growth. These are identified through stringent filter criteria and a rigorous research process. The Manager uses a proprietary stock filter in order to eliminate a large proportion of investments due to both internal characteristics (such as gearing levels or cash flow) and external characteristics (such as exposure to commodity prices or customer concentration). Typically, the Fund looks for businesses that are one or more of: a) under researched, b) fundamentally undervalued, c) have a catalyst for re-rating. The Manager seeks to achieve this investment outcome by actively managing a portfolio of Australian listed securities. When the opportunity to invest in suitable securities cannot be found, the manager may reduce the level of equities exposure and accumulate a defensive cash position. Whilst it is the company's intention, there is no guarantee that any distributions or returns will be declared, or that if declared, the amount of any returns will remain constant or increase over time. The Fund does not invest in derivatives and does not use debt to leverage the Fund's performance. However, companies in which the Fund invests may be leveraged. |
Manager Comments | Majority of companies that Cyan C3G Fund was invested in, delivered positive performances. The most notable contributors included Freelancer (FLN) +29%, Adacel (ADA) +9%, Skydive The Beach (SKB) +19% and Vita Group (VTG) +12%. Overall, the Fund remains conservative, exposed to high-quality and well-diversified portfolio of 27 Australian smaller companies with no single stock representing more than 6% of the total Cyan portfolio. Click below to read the latest Fund Manager's Report. |
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10 May 2016 - The Paragon Fund
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Fund Overview | Paragon believes that markets are not always efficient, exhibiting a common tendency to price securities well outside of their intrinsic value over the medium term. This market characteristic provides the opportunity for Paragon, an active manager with a flexible mandate, to generate superior investment returns over the longer term. Paragon believes that it is critical to understand both the companies and the industries in which they operate, in order to fully comprehend each investment opportunity. Accordingly, a fundamental approach to company research is taken. Assessing the potential downside is also paramount in framing the risk/reward trade-off for potential investments. |
Manager Comments | Key positive contributors for April included the longs in the lithium holdings ORE, GMM, GXY & PLS, the oil holdings STO & ORG, the gold holdings including NCM and SBM, and various Industrial holdings including LNK, YOW, NAN and NTC. At the end of the month the Fund had 34 long positions and 9 short positions. Click below to read the latest monthly report. |
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9 May 2016 - Fund Review: Meme Australian Share Fund April 2016
Meme Australian Share Fund
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Meme Australian Share Fund.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund;
The Meme Capital Management is a Perth-based boutique Fund Manager, established in 2012 and manages the Meme Australian Share Fund.
The Fund specializes in technical and quantitative strategies to identify investment opportunities expected to provide both positive price appreciation and relative price out-performance over the medium to long term.
The Fund's objective is to outperform the S&P/ASX All Ordinaries Accumulation Index over rolling three year periods, through investing in ASX listed securities outside the S&P/ASX 20. The Fund only takes long positions and does not use derivatives.
Since inception the Fund has an annualised return of 18.90% p.a., versus the Index's return of 7.92% p.a.

7 May 2016 - Hedge Clippings
Sell in May and go away - at your peril!
We are never quite sure whether the above adage is simply a useful way to remind investors that markets quieten down over the northern summer, or a serious warning about potential market declines. In any event the rocky and volatile markets of the past 12 months, and the first quarter of 2016 in particular would certainly be encouraging many investors to hold fire from making serious investment decisions for the next few months.
While the worst of January and February's volatility would appear to be behind us, the rebound has not been kind to many fund managers when much of the bounce in some stocks has not been based on fundamentals. While there have only been a few funds report April numbers so far they are at least positive, alongside the ASX 200's accumulated return of 3.37%.
The big question facing most investors now is whether the rally of over 8% in March and April is sustainable, or whether it is merely a bounce from an oversold position based on oversold commodities, and overdone fear on China's outlook. They're still appear to be as many followers of the hard landing scenario as there are of the soft, and so many investors are left with the challenge of whether to hold their gains from the recent rally, or fold their cards and cash in their chips.
The past week has been a big one on a couple of fronts. The RBA cut interest rates by 0.25% just a few hours before Tuesday's federal budget to a historic low of 1.75%, a level not seen since the days of Capt Philip and the first Fleet (and doubtfully not even then). Admittedly this cut was driven more by exceptionally low (negative) inflation than low economic growth, but it now has the pundits wondering if there will be a further cut over the coming months.
Scott Morrison delivered his first budget which on the face of it seemed responsible, including changes to high-end superannuation entitlements, albeit that they were undeniably overly generous in the first place. However justified, making these changes retrospective would appear to be a dangerous precedent. That aside we are now expecting at any moment to officially be in election mode. Hence politics will not only dominate the airwaves, but are likely to dominate investor concerns and uncertainty for the next couple of months until July 2.
Overseas Donald Trump seems to have done what many thought was impossible just six or 12 months ago. Without being an expert on US politics, it would appear that winning the Republican Party nomination was one thing, getting enough people to vote him into the White House might be an altogether more difficult challenge given the multitude of voters who have been insulted or sidelined during the nomination process. The flow on effects of Trump's success so far are unknown, but are likely to be significant and damaging to the Republican Party, whether he makes it to the Oval Office or not.
Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying that you can "fool some of the people all the time, or all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all the time". We sincerely hope that is correct!
Meanwhile, the Australian share market returned+3.37% (ASX200 Accumulation Index) in April, assisted mostly by better commodity prices boosting major resource company shares.
Meme Australian Share Fund rose 8.60%, outperforming the ASX 200 Accumulation Index by 5.23%. Since inception, the Fund has an annualised return of 18.90% p.a.
Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund returned -2.30% for the month of April. The long term performance since inception, remains strong with annual returns of 17.51% p.a. over 14 years.
Clarity Multi Strategy Fund returned -8.82% for the month of March. Since inception, the Fund has achieved double-digit annualised returns of 23.43% p.a, which has been achieved with a volatility of 14.14% p.a.
Newgate Real Estate and Infrastructure Fund was flat (-0.06%) for the month of March to take annualised return since inception to 12.20% p.a.
FUND REVIEWS released this week: QATO Capital Market Neutral Long/Short Fund; Insync Global Titans Fund; Supervised High Yield Fund;
And on that note, have a great week-end.
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