23 Nov 2015 - Fund Review Pengana Absolute Return Asia Pacific Fund October 2015
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Pengana Absolute Return Asia Pacific Fund.
- The Pengana Absolute Return Asia Pacific Fund ("PARAP") was established in 2008 by portfolio managers Antonio Meroni and Vikas Kumra. The Fund is a feeder fund into a Cayman Islands AUD share class fund.
- The Fund invests both long and short in Asia Pacific equities, including in Australian and New Zealand, after a stock specific "event" has either occurred or been announced and the portfolio aims to be uncorrelated to the underlying equity markets. A combination of the Manager's experience, thorough research and continuous back- testing identify the most attractive of these events.
- Risk controls include limits on individual positions as well as gross and net exposure. Limits are in place for option exposure and cash borrowing, with stop loss limits on individual positions. Overall the manager is looking to derive returns from the event strategies as opposed to any currency or market exposures.
- Since inception, the Fund has an annualised return of 10.05% p.a., compared to the AFM's Asia Pacific Index of 6.00%. The Fund has achieved this with lower volatility of 6.19% (Index 12.05%).
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.
23 Nov 2015 - APN AREIT Fund
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Fund Overview | The senior management of APN FM all have significant experience in their fields. They include CEO Real Estate Securities, Michael Doble who has 25 years'experience having held various senior roles specialising in real estate valuation, consultancy and funds management. Immediately prior to joining APN in 2003 he was Head of Property at ANZ Funds Management. He is a fellow of the Australian Property Institute and FINSIA as well as holding a Bachelor of Business (Property). The Fund aims to deliver a competitive yield with lower risk than the market. The underlying stocks are selected based on a highly disciplined investment approach that focuses on the fundamentals and number of valuation approaches. The Fund provides access to a wide spread of property-based revenue streams that are specifically analysed, selected and weighted with the aim of delivering strong and sustainable income returns. The Fund is suited to medium to long term investors seeking a relatively high monthly income and some capital growth over the long term. |
Manager Comments | In October, the Fund had 99% allocation in AREITs and rest in cash. Majority of the underlying property sector allocation was in the Retail sector at 64%, followed by Office sector at 21%. The Top 5 stocks holdings made up 58% of APN AREIT Fund. These stocks were Scentre Group, Vicinity Centres, Stockland, Charter Hall Retail REIT and Westfield Group. Click below to read the complete Fund Manager's Report. |
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21 Nov 2015 - Hedge Clippings
Is the Hedge Fund Fee Frenzy a Furphy?
A cursory glance at the Index table on gives a stark reminder that while the fees charged by hedge and absolute return funds might be high compared with their "long only" counterparts, and higher again still than the increasingly popular ETF sector, you only get what you pay for.
YTD to the end of October equity based funds in AFM's database have returned 10.66% after all fees, against the ASX200 Accumulation Index (AI) which has returned a meagre 0.53%, and 12.39% over 12 months against a fall of 0.74% for the ASX200 (AI). So while it is easy for the detractors of hedge funds due to their higher fees, and performance fees in particular, when calculating the total cost of those fees to the end investor, the choice would seem pretty simple: Either pay for performance, or pay the price.
Certainly the performance of different funds varies, which is where research, and the ability of the underlying manager comes into play, but 80% of funds have outperformed the ASX200 YTD, and over 12 months that climbs to 83%. It would seem on the surface that the worse the market does, the better hedge funds do by comparison.
Putting aside individual skill for a moment (which we generally do not advise) the reasons behind the out-performance seems pretty obvious. The ability of a fund with a flexible investment mandate, including the ability to short sell, move to cash, or protect investors' capital using risk averse option strategies, provide a clear advantage over those funds which are forced to remain in the market come what may (ETF's), or have limited flexibility in overall stock, sector or asset allocation (long only, index aware).
Figures in today's AFR showed the rise of allocations to ETF's in particular, but why an investor, or their advisor would choose to do so escapes me. Sure the fees are minimal, and certainly they get market performance, but that's not much benefit when the market is going nowhere - or worse.
Price isn't everything: Quality and performance is, otherwise we'd all be eating hamburgers and pizza, and drinking vino collapso out of a cardboard box. So before making a decision based on the cost of an investment product, consider the value of the investment, risk of capital loss, and performance in both positive and negative markets.
Performance updates and reviews received this week included the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
FUND REVIEWS released this week: Morphic Global Opportunities Fund; Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund; Jamieson Coote Bonds Active Fund; Meme Australian Share Fund; Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund
And on that note, I trust you have a safe and enjoyable week-end.
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Prism Select provides self-directed investors and their advisors with factual information, performance data and opportunity to apply for funds online using OLIVIA123. |
Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:15pm for AFM's weekly comment. |
20 Nov 2015 - Fund Review: Jamieson Coote Bonds Active Fund October 2015
- Jamieson Coote Bonds is a Melbourne-based Boutique Manager launched in December 2014.
- The Founders, Charles Jamieson and Angus Coote bring over 30 years of international experience dealing with central banks, hedge funds and real money managers.
- The Jamieson Coote Active Bond Fund is a long-only macroeconomic investment fund, investing in Australian Dollar denominated bonds backed by AAA and AA+ rated Government, Semi (State) Government and Supranational agencies.
- The Fund Objective is to out-perform the Bloomberg Australian Government Bond Index through active management in a sound risk-framework and usually holds around 20 bond securities of varying maturities.

20 Nov 2015 - Signature Quantitative Fund
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Fund Overview | SQF has been established to profit from anomalies surrounding event driven, behavioural & factor based structural market inefficiencies which generate significant profits and are uncorrelated & persistent over time. Specific strategies such as dividend arbitrage, index addition and deletion, tax year end, capital raisings, among other strategies are used by the Fund. The Fund's initial focus is on investing in Australian and New Zealand markets. |
Manager Comments | The Dividend Arbitrage strategy continued its recent solid performance with stock specific out-performance from Bank of Queensland, Harvey Norman and TPG Telecom. The strong equity markets led to capital markets transactions and the Capital Raisings strategy performed well. Alpha Capture under-performed as the market moved away from fundamentals during the strong market rally. The Fund had a net exposure of 45%, of which 22.7% exposure was in the Financial sector. Click the link below to view the latest Monthly Report. |
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19 Nov 2015 - Fund Review: Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund October 2015
- The Fund is long biased, research driven, active equity long/short strategy investing in listed ASX companies with an nine year track record.
- The Fund has significantly outperformed the ASX200 Accumulation Index since its inception in May 2006 and also has significantly lower risk KPI's. The Fund has an annualised return of 12.63% p.a. with a volatility of 7.29%, compared to the ASX200 Accumulation's return of 4.47% p.a. with volatility of 14.35%.
- The Fund also has a strong focus on capital protection in negative markets. Portfolio Managers Mark Burgess and Kristiaan Rehder have significant market experience, while Bennelong Funds Management provide infrastructure, operational, compliance and distribution capabilities.
19 Nov 2015 - Totus Alpha Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund is a long/short investment fund principally investing in listed entities, commodities, futures and options in Australia and internationally. The Fund is not a market neutral fund and accordingly may switch between net long positions and net short positions. The Fund may use short sales and derivatives. Gearing may be used to enhance returns and the Fund may be geared in excess of 100% of the Fund's Net Asset Value. There is a limit to net exposure of 150%. |
Manager Comments | At month-end, the Fund had a net exposure of -4.9% and a gross exposure of 282.0%. The Fund was diversified across a number investment themes and geographies with 132 positions (55 long and 77 short). Top contributors in October were the long positions in SmartGroup +1.22% (Scarce Growth), Macquarie +1.12% (Financial Services) and Appen +0.79% (Scarce Growth). Biggest detractors were the short positions in S&P Futures -0.64% (Futures) and Alibaba -0.59% (Promoter). Click below to read the latest Fund's Monthly Report. |
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18 Nov 2015 - Fund Review: Morphic Global Opportunities Fund October 2015
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Morphic Global Opportunities Fund.
Key points include:
- The Fund is a global equity long/short manager with a long bias and a macro-economic overlay. The mandate allows the Fund to short sell, use derivatives and invest in assets such as commodities & currencies.
- Morphic's philosophy is that only funds with flexible investment and hedging strategies will be able to deliver acceptable, steady, real, absolute returns over the investment cycle.
- The Fund is an early stage, boutique, Sydney-based fund established in 2012 with experienced CIO's, and an investment team of 6 including a risk manager.
- The Board has a majority of independent members with significant risk and investment experience.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.
18 Nov 2015 - Pengana Absolute Return Asia Pacific Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund will usually hold 40 to 80 positions and will be well diversified across the various event strategies. In keeping with the absolute return focus the Manager will eliminate market risk where appropriate by hedging market and foreign currency risks. Since inception the Fund has averaged a net equity market exposure of ~10%. Sizing of an investment position will depend on the expected risk adjusted returns while taking account the liquidity and volatility of the stock. In addition, the maximum potential loss on any one position should be greater than 0.5% of the NAV and the position should not exceed 30% participation of stressed volume assuming a $200m NAV. Other criteria considered are ability to hedge and the availability of pair candidates as well as the average bid-ask size. For M&A strategies average long position is 3 to 5.5% and average short position 2 to 5%. |
Manager Comments | The M&A sub-strategy contributed 2.6% of the Fund's monthly return as Chinese ADR proposed privatization companies re-rated during the month. Another positive development during the month was the upward revision to terms in the merger between Power Assets (6 HK) and Cheung Kong infrastructure (1038 HK). The Index Futures strategy was the biggest detractors of the month. The Fund's average gross and net exposures remained at 192.3% and 6.1% respectively. Click below to read the latest Fund Manager's Report. |
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17 Nov 2015 - Fund Review: Optimal Australia Absolute Trust October 2015
AFM have released the most recently updated Fund Review on the Optimal Australia Absolute Trust.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund;
- Optimal Australia is a specialist Australian equity investment manager and the Fund has a long/short equity strategy typically with a low but variable net market exposure comprising 40 to 65 stocks broadly selected from within the ASX200.
- The investment team comprising George Colman, Peter Whiting supported by Stephen Nicholls and Justin Hay have over 100 years combined experience in equity markets.
- In October, the Fund returned 1.42%. The Fund's approach to risk is shown by the Sharpe ratio of 1.49 (Index 0.17), Sortino ratio of 3.35 (Index 0.13), both of which are well above the ASX 200 Accumulation Index and has recorded 80% positive months.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.