13 Jul 2015 - Allard Investment Fund
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Manager Comments | The Fund portfolio was invested 76.5% in equities and 23.5% in cash and fixed income. The Fund continues to be most exposed to Financial Services at 18.30%, Conglomerates at 11.30% and Telco's at 10.60%. The geographic breakdown was Hong Kong / China at 42.50%, Singapore 11.20% and Korea 9.60%. The top 5 holdings had 39.9% concentration of the portfolio and 17.0% in the next 5 holdings. Click below to review the latest Fund Manager's Report. |
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11 Jul 2015 - Hedge Clippings
Chinese authorities treading a dangerous path
The news that the China Securities Regulatory Commission was prohibiting investors who own more than 5% of a publicly traded company from selling shares for six months is likely to do more to damage their market than save it. The ban will include foreign investors who hold shares that trade on the Shanghai and Shenzhen exchanges, and comes after Chinese equities lost more than 25% of their value since mid-June.
If anyone can pull off what the Chinese authorities are trying to do, they can, but we doubt they'll succeed. They might be able to control their own citizens from selling shares in smaller caps, or freezing parcels of 5% or more of a publicly listed companies for six months, but the longer term damage to their reputation, and the confidence of traders, investors, and market participants at home and abroad, will be difficult to overcome.
What the Chinese authorities are doing is freezing liquidity, and in this regard it seems they haven't learned from the lessons of 2008 when central banks, governments, and regulators around the world tried to ban short selling, close markets, and in a word, panic. And if governments and the authorities panic, that's exactly what investors are likely to do as well.
Rudyard Kipling put it quite clearly: "If you can keep your head when all around you are losing theirs and blaming it on you" but it seems the Chinese authorities didn't listen, or haven't read Kipling.
By stopping investors selling smaller stocks, they're going to be forced to sell larger ones, and possibly the better ones, to cover their liquidity requirements, margin calls, their need for cash, or just to stuff under the mattress. While western authorities have probably learned from their mistakes of 2008 and might not make the same ones again in a panic, they also succeeded in restricting longer term liquidity through regulations on banks and other market participants in an effort to avoid another too big to fail scenario.
China threatens to make the Greek tragedy just a pimple by comparison. Whatever eventuates in Greece has largely been anticipated by most savvy investors over the past few years, and if a three year moratorium is agreed to it will probably only extend the agony further. There seems no way that the Greek economy, about the same size as that of the State of New South Wales, is ever going to be able to repay the levels of debt.
And so on to fund performance in June.
It was obviously a rocky ride on global markets in June, initially in response to Greece, but more recently as a result of China's problems. The ASX 200 Accumulation Index fell by 5.3%, and July has seen a continuation of the volatility since. Over the 12 months to the end of June the ASX200 rose only 1.17%, or 5.68% on an accumulation basis. By comparison and based on the 25% of fund returns received to date, equity-based hedge funds fell by only 1.41% in June, an outperformance of almost 4%, with 87% of those outperforming the ASX 200 Accumulation Index. Over the past 12 months equity-based funds have returned 11.57%, double the return of the accumulation index.
In addition to the performance updates below, results of note include Kentgrove Capital, (+4.1%) Totus Alpha Fund, (+6.3% (e)) QATO (+1.89%) Bennelong Long Short (+4.86%).
Specific results received this week include the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
Monash Absolute Investment Fund fell 1.9% in June in a weak Australian equity market, but still taking the Fund's annualised return since inception to 14.11% p.a.
FUND REVIEWS released this week: Totus Alpha Fund; Insync Global Titans Fund; Supervised High Yield Fund
20 - 21 August 2015 -The 2nd Superannuation Fund Investment Operations Forum 2015 is a two day forum providing invaluable technological, regulatory compliant and best practice insights into improving back and middle office efficiency to drive member loyalty, bottom line profitability and a competitive edge
26 - 28 August 2015 -The 15th Annual Wraps, Platforms & Masterfunds Conference will provide solutions for succeeding in a distribution world of endless possibilities, showcasing strategies to help business achieve the biggest bite of market share, use innovation to overcome problems and support opportunities. Australian Fund Monitors is pleased to offer a discount of $300to all investors and advisors using coupon codepromoFMon registration.
15 September 2015 -The AIMA Australia Hedge Fund Forum 2015 is the annual non-profit hedge fund conference organised by the industry for the industry.
And finally best wishes for a happy and healthy week-end ahead,
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Registration to AFM is free and provides general information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments. |
Fund Managers and paid Subscribers have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. |
Prism Select provides self-directed investors and their advisors with factual information, performance data and opportunity to apply for funds online using OLIVIA123. |
Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:15pm for AFM's weekly comment. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
10 Jul 2015 - Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | The Fund has been running unusually low net market exposure in recent months, and added risk into initial market weakness in June. The Fund's short positions did well, with attribution of +3.3% (on average short exposure of 25% of NAV). However the long positions negatively contributed -4.5% (on average long exposure of 67%. A bias towards low valuations and strong balance sheet quality within the long stocks made little difference in such a weak market. Click below to read the latest Fund Manager's commentary on the Fund and market outlook. |
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9 Jul 2015 - Fund Review: Supervised High Yield Fund May 2015
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
- The Supervised High Yield Fund (SHYF) has a 6 year track record investing in fixed interest investments. The Investment strategy aims to deliver returns with zero correlation to equity markets by investing in debt securities with minimal default probability and offering a premium return above the risk free rate.
- The Fund is managed by Philip Carden whose experience in debt and capital markets spans 33 years, including time with JB Were's Capel Court Securities and Macquarie Bank, where he was the Executive Director responsible for the Debt Markets Division.
- SHYF is an Alternative Income fund which invests in Global and Australian debt markets, with all foreign currency receivables hedged back to Australian dollars.
- The Fund utilises a top down analysis of the economic environment and market to screen and identify debt market opportunities which it believes offer low risk with high yield. The next stage is the development of a risk matrix and investment strategy, following which detailed research is undertaken on specific investment opportunities which meet the pre-defined criteria established in the investment strategy.
- Prior to approving an investment for the Fund each potential investment is subject to two stress tests. The first of these is for credit and default risk, in which the investment is stress-tested to ensure that in a worst case economic environment it can repay 100% of its principal and interest obligations case scenario for the asset by examining the highest margin over the risk rate that the investment has previously experienced in a crisis situation. Any decline in value under the stress test that exceeds 10% of the Fund's value is avoided The second test examines market risk. In this case Carden looks at the worst case scenario for the asset by examining the highest margin over the risk rate that the investment has previously experienced in a crisis situation. Any decline in value under the stress test that exceeds 10% of the Fund's value is avoided.
8 Jul 2015 - Monash Absolute Investment Fund
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Fund Overview | The fund seeks to identify opportunities in the share market to make positive returns (long and short) irrespective of market conditions. It is style agnostic, as compelling investment opportunities exist across all investment styles from time to time. The Fund places a high priority on capital preservation, and has an absolute return focus in accepting market risk. The Manager's experience across value, growth and discounted cash flow styles allows them to use a comprehensive approach to investment decisions that applies all three. They also have the patience to seek out only compelling opportunities, rather than settling for relative value. The portfolio is somewhat concentrated, looking to diversify across industries and themes, rather than by trying to stay near an index. The portfolio may at times have a large amount of cash or other protection. However once investments are made turnover may be relatively high in order to lock in gains and avoid losses. |
Manager Comments | The Fund's performance since inception was 14.11% p.a. with annual volatility of 7.79%, bringing the Sharpe ratio and Sortino ratio to 1.54 and 3.12 respectively. The Fund continues to have a low Beta and therefore less volatile than the market. The portfolio had 71% net exposure and 82% gross exposure. Click the link below to the rest of the Fund Manager's Report. |
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7 Jul 2015 - Fund Review: Insync Global Titans Fund May 2015
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Insync Global Titans Fund.
We would like to highlight the following:
- The Fund's unit price increased by 3.0% during the month of May. The performance was driven by positive contributions from our holdings in Time Warner Cable, Experian, Medtronic, eBay and Zimmer. The main negative contributors were Hugo Boss and Publicis. The Fund continues to have no foreign currency hedging in place as Insync consider the main risks to the Australian dollar to be on the downside.
- The Global Titans Fund invests in a concentrated portfolio of 15-30 stocks, targeting exceptional, large cap global companies with a strong focus on dividend growth and downside protection.
- Portfolio selection is driven by a core strategy of investing in companies with sustainable growth in dividends, high returns on capital, positive free cash flows and strong balance sheets.
- Emphasis on limiting downside risk is through extensive company research, the ability to hold cash and long protective index put options.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.

6 Jul 2015 - Fund Review: Totus Alpha Fund May 2015
- Totus Capital is a Sydney based long short fund manager established in 2012 by Ben McGarry which aims to place equal emphasis on performance and capital preservation. The Fund invests mainly in Australia, but also in other developed economies, with a primary exposure to equity markets.
- The Totus Alpha Fund's investment strategy is to identify structural themes, and then seek to drive performance by investing in securities that have concentrated exposure to those themes. Single stock short positions are used to generate alpha, frequently in under researched parts of the market such as the small and mid-cap space. Index derivatives are used to hedge the portfolio's market risk.
- McGarry qualified as a Chartered Accountant with PWC in 1999 and has 14 years market experience, commencing his career covering European building materials and construction sectors at Morgan Stanley in London. Previous experience included analytical roles at Ausbil, a Sydney based $10bn+ long-only manager, and sell side emerging companies experience at UBS. McGarry's emerging company research with UBS included exposure to a range of sectors including energy, materials, industrials, tech, financials, retail and telecommunications.
- The Fund has delivered an annalised return of 23.31% since inception in March 2012 as compared to 14.43% for the ASX 200 Accumulation Index. The standard deviation has been higher than the Index at 13.39% as compared to 11.05% and the Sharpe ratio is 1.44.
Sean Webster
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

4 Jul 2015 - Hedge Clippings
Grexit Reality - But maybe we need a reality check ourselves?
Actually Greece isn't out of the EU just yet, but the default is a reality, and unless someone blinks, either as a result of Sunday's referendum, or the reality of the consequences of exiting both the political and currency union, the rest as they say, will be history. The problem is no-one can actually say in advance what that history might look like, apart from the certainty that it is going to get messy.
The fact is that the Greek problems were a classic example of the boiling frog syndrome, in that they developed, or simmered for a long time with nobody prepared to fix the problem until it was too late. The release this week of The Grattan Institute's working paper, entitled "Fiscal challenges for Australia", made us wonder if we aren't heading for our own equivalent of the Greek tragedy, even though to many it might seem we're a long way off at present.
At first glance we're sitting, if not pretty, but at the top of the tree when it comes to net levels of Commonwealth government debt to GDP, which is projected to peak at 18% in 2017. This excludes state government debt, and for good measure treats the value of the Future Fund as an asset. However, the Grattan report notes that when it comes to forecasting, the Federal government's forecasts consistently contains highly optimistic assumptions about revenue growth and spending restraint.
For the last six years budget outcomes have been worse than projections, and both the previous and current Governments have been unwilling to address deep seated issues, instead relying either on the mining boom (gone!) and personal income tax bracket creep to raise additional revenue, while refusing to curb excessive spending. In other words we haven't been the only ones not prepared to accept the austerity measures (increase taxes, reduce spending) needed.
In its place we have increased taxes by stealth, otherwise known as bracket creep. According to a recent article in the Financial Review, the government's reliance on bracket creep will push the average full time worker in Australia on $78,000 a year into the second highest tax bracket this financial year, with any earnings above $80,000 subject to a tax rate of 39% including the Medicare levy. This will earn the government, and cost the average income earner, an additional $1,200 per year over the next decade, and take their average tax rate from 21.7% to 27.4% over the next decade.
The current Federal Government has refused to address major issues such as changes to the taxation of superannuation, changes to the GST (as did the previous Labour government), or curbs on negative gearing, thereby excluding three major reforms which would get them out of the fiscal hole that has been deepening for some time. Relying on personal income tax bracket creep seems to be their only solution, with the creep the equivalent of the above mentioned frog in his slowly warming pot.
As the Grattan Institute correctly points out, hoping for the best is not a budget management strategy: It simply justifies putting off hard decisions, and shifts the costs and risks of budget repair onto future generations, with their research showing that each $40 billion dollar deficit increases the lifetime tax burden for households headed by a person aged 25 to 34 by $10,000.
Your Clippings correspondent can rest easy - it won't be his problem. He's waaay older than that, and will be part of the other side (expenditure) of the problem once he starts to draw a pension!
Specific results received this week include the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
The Insync Global Titans Fund increased by 3.0% in May, bringing the Fund's prior 12 month performance to 20.79%.
Totus Alpha Fund was down 1.80% in May, compared to the ASX200 Accumulation Index's 0.40%. However the Fund's annual performance of 23.31% p.a has been strong (Index 14.43% p.a.).
The Signature Quantitative Fund returned -1.20% for May, to bring the annual performance since inception to 11.34%.
Supervised High Yield Fund rose 1.04% during May to bring the Fund's annual return since inception to 10.22%. In the same time frame the RBA Cash Rate returned 3.45%.
FUND REVIEWS released this week:Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund; Pengana Absolute Return Asia Pacific Fund
20 - 21 August 2015 -The 2nd Superannuation Fund Investment Operations Forum 2015 is a two day forum providing invaluable technological, regulatory compliant and best practice insights into improving back and middle office efficiency to drive member loyalty, bottom line profitability and a competitive edge
26 - 28 August 2015 -The15th Annual Wraps, Platforms & Masterfunds Conference will provide solutions for succeeding in a distribution world of endless possibilities, showcasing strategies to help business achieve the biggest bite of market share, use innovation to overcome problems and support opportunities. Australian Fund Monitors is pleased to offer a discount of $300 to all investors and advisors using coupon code promoFM on registration.
15 September 2015 -The AIMA Australia Hedge Fund Forum 2015 is the annual non-profit hedge fund conference organised by the industry for the industry.
And now for something completely different. An article in today's Guardian Australia suggesting that in the mid eighties, with the Hong Kong handover looming, and the Troubles in Northern Ireland in full swing, UK officials considered relocating 5.5 million Hong Kong citizens to Ulster, but were concerned about how they'd adapt to the weather. Had it been April 1st you might understand it, but really?
And finally best wishes for a happy and healthy week-end ahead,
Connect with me on LinkedIn Twitter Facebook
Registration to AFM is free and provides general information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments. |
Fund Managers and paid Subscribers have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. |
Prism Select provides self-directed investors and their advisors with factual information, performance data and opportunity to apply for funds online usingOLIVIA123. |
Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:15pm for AFM's weekly comment. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
3 Jul 2015 - Supervised High Yield Fund
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Fund Overview | The fund may also invest in interest rate swaps, options over authorized investments and exchange traded futures contracts. All these will be either listed or traded in a market where they can be independently valued. Fundamental to the investment procedure is the tenet that no debt security will qualify for investment unless it can repay 100% of its principal and interest in a worst case economic scenario. |
Manager Comments | More than half of the portfolio's composition was in Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities (RMBS) at 61.28%. The rest of the portfolio was divided in the following sectors: US Corporate Loans at 28.68%, Cash at 6.11% and AUD Corporate Loans at 3.94%. Click below to view the latest Fund Manager Report. |
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2 Jul 2015 - Signature Quantitative Fund
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Fund Overview | SQF has been established to profit from anomalies surrounding event driven, behavioural & factor based structural market inefficiencies which generate significant profits and are uncorrelated & persistent over time. Specific strategies such as dividend arbitrage, index addition and deletion, tax year end, capital raisings, among other strategies are used by the Fund. The Fund's initial focus is on investing in Australian and New Zealand markets. |
Manager Comments | In May, the Alpha Capture and Capital Raisings strategies under-performed. Long positions in banks and short in resources contributed the most to the under-performance in Alpha Capture. The Dividend Arbitrage Strategy under-performed slightly also due to banks exposure around bank ex-dates. The Tax Year End Effect got off to a slow start in May, however the Fund expects this to bounce back in June when the strongest returns usually occur. The Index Rebalance Strategy slightly outperformed on relatively few trades. Click the link below to view the latest Monthly Report. |
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