7 Nov 2014 - Hedge Clippings
The Choice: Tip Top Returns, or Capital Protection?
For a while it looked as if October's equity market performance was set to continue September's fall of over 5%, but a "V" shaped recovery mid month saw markets bounce back into positive territory, no doubt to the relief of most Fund Managers and their investors, particularly those in the long only category.
In Australia that saw the ASX200 Accumulation Index rise 4.43%, recouping some, if not all of September's 5.38% fall, while the US market, which hadn't suffered as much in September (for example the S&P500 had only fallen 1.4%) rose 2.44%, although broader global indices such as the MSCI All Country Index only managed a positive return of 0.25% in A$ terms.
Meanwhile, at this stage it is too early to tell how Australian absolute return funds fared in October with only a handful of results to hand. However looking back at September most earned their keep, with the average avoiding almost all of the market's fall, by posting an average return of -0.17%. Within that average the usual wide spread of returns was evident, with the best up 7.6%, and the worst down -13%.
On a year to date basis the average equity based fund had returned 4.97% to the end of September, outperforming the ASX200 Accumulation Index which had returned 2.42%, a far cry from the buoyant returns of 2012 and 2013. Over the past 12 months the same pattern emerged, with equity based funds up 10.8% vs the Index at 5.93%, and with 75% of all funds outperforming the market.
Often criticised for being risky, this puts hedge funds' performance in unmistakable perspective: Absolute return funds (on average) provide better risk adjusted returns than the underlying markets, albeit that in particularly strong periods they may lag them. As capital protection takes precedence over performance in most investors' minds this makes a good case for both the funds, and the industry as a whole.
However, not all funds are alike, so make sure you select the right fund!
Don't miss out! Thursday 13 November in Sydney Best Cellars Night of Global Investment Themes.
Presented by Insync Funds Management, enjoy an evening presentation on some of the powerful global investment themes that will help to build your wealth offshore, together with a tasting of some truly interesting wines from all corners of the world.
25-27 March 2015 Digital Marketing for Banking and Financial Services Summit.
Specific results received this last fortnight include the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
The Allard Investment Fund returned 3.20% in September, ahead of the benchmark MSCI Asia Pacific ex Japan (A$) at -1.0%, with 12.96% annual return.
Microequities Deep Value Microcap Fund returned 1.66% during October as equity markets rebounded, with 12 month performance at 16.37% and a volatility of 7.41%.
The Monash Absolute Investment Fund returned -0.3% in October with 12 month performance at 4.83% with a volatility of 8.02%.
CPD points are available for all FUND REVIEWS released this week including:
Insync Global Titans Fund; Totus Alpha Fund; Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund; Nanuk Global Alpha Fund
Best wishes for a happy and healthy weekend,
Connect with me on LinkedIn Twitter Facebook
Registration to AFM is free and provides general information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments. | Fund Managers and paid Subscribers have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. | Prism Select provides self-directed investors and their advisors with factual information, performance data and opportunity to apply for funds online using OLIVIA123. | Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:15 pm for AFM's weekly comment. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
7 Nov 2014 - Monash Absolute Investment Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The fund seeks to identify opportunities in the share market to make positive returns (long and short) irrespective of market conditions. It is style agnostic, as compelling investment opportunities exist across all investment styles from time to time. The Fund places a high priority on capital preservation, and has an absolute return focus in accepting market risk. The Manager's experience across value, growth and discounted cash flow styles allows them to use a comprehensive approach to investment decisions that applies all three. They also have the patience to seek out only compelling opportunities, rather than settling for relative value. The portfolio is somewhat concentrated, looking to diversify across industries and themes, rather than by trying to stay near an index. The portfolio may at times have a large amount of cash or other protection. However once investments are made turnover may be relatively high in order to lock in gains and avoid losses. |
Manager Comments | It was a volatile month with the market initially selling off and the Fund took action to preserve the Fund's capital. As a result it lagged the market as it recovered, which ended up costing the portfolio about 1%. The negative return was not due to any bad news associated with the Fund's stocks. The portfolio was very active during October, as we closed/opened Event Driven opportunities and added to some of the Outlook Driven stocks in weakness. The most significant trade of the month was exiting Greencross, one of our Outlook Driven stocks, which had gone up 104% over the 20 months that we owned it. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
7 Nov 2014 - Wine Tasting with Global Investment Themes
Global Megatrends and Innovations not available in Australia
13 November at Sydney Royal Exchange
Insync Funds Management would like to cordially invite you to an evening presentation on some of the powerful global investment themes that will help to build your wealth offshore together with a tasting of some truly interesting wines from all corners of the world.
Join us and learn:
- In a post-GFC economy what are some of the mega-trends that will shape the global economy over the next decade;
- The importance of investing in the knowledge leaders who are driving product innovation in their respective industries;
- What exceptional opportunities can be found offshore to complement your Australian shares portfolio.
Venue: The Royal Exchange of Sydney, 1 Gresham Street , Sydney
Date: Thursday 13th November 2014
Time: 5.30 - 7.30pm
RSVP: Click here to RSVP or call David Johns from Insync Fund Managers on 0412 679 136

6 Nov 2014 - Fund Review: Nanuk Global Alpha Fund AFM Fund Review September 2014
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Nanuk Global Alpha Fund.
CPD Points are now available for all AFM Fund Reviews. Read the review and answer 5 questions to earn half a point toward your continuing professional development.
- Nanuk's strategy is based on increased economic development, the limitations of conventional energy sources and proliferating energy security issues that are leading to long-term structural shifts in the way energy is generated, managed and consumed. Similar pressures are causing changing landscapes for food, water and environmental management. These developments present a range of innovative and compelling investment opportunities.
- Nanuk has identified a large, diverse global universe of companies positively exposed to these shifts. Nanuk combines deep fundamental research into these companies with detailed analysis of technological development, policy direction and related economics within each of the relevant sectors to identify profitable trends and opportunities suitable for inclusion in the Fund.
- Nanuk's principal strategy is to invest, long and short, in securities that are mis-priced on an absolute or relative basis. The Fund aims to achieve long term capital appreciation while reducing volatility of returns and risk of capital loss through appropriate hedging and risk management strategies.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Research and Database Manager

5 Nov 2014 - Microequities Deep Value Microcap Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The objective of the Fund is to identify undervalued Microcap companies, invest in them and, through a medium to long term commitment, attempt to deliver superior investment returns. The Fund invests primarily in ASX listed Microcap companies, which at the time of initial investment are generally below a market capitalisation of A$250 million. The Fund may also invest in companies with a higher market capitalisation, but these will be limited to no more than 20% of the assets of the Fund. At times the Fund may invest in pre-IPO securities that are due to be listed on the ASX within 3-6 months, and have lodged a prospectus with ASIC. These investments will also be limited to no more than 10% of the assets of the Fund. The Fund will be limited to investing no more than 20% of the Fund's assets in any one security or company. The Fund will make investments with a medium to long term time horizon of between 3-5+ years. The Fund will not speculate in derivatives. It will be permitted to hold other securities that are directly associated with a particular investment such as options granted with a specific company issue etc. The Fund will not engage in short selling or stock lending. The Fund will not hold financial debt of any kind. |
Manager Comments | Since inception (March 2009) performance is sound at 28.49% pa as compared to the ASX 200 Accum Index at 13.51% pa. Up and Down Capture ratios over the same time are 1.13 and 0.26 respectively. After almost six years of what was originally viewed as a radical policy the US Federal Reserve announced last month that it would end its final purchase of bonds. The program of quantitative easing rapidly expanded the Fed's balance sheet. In macroeconomic management, isolating the causality of policy measures is never a conclusive exercise. Objectively however we can safely say the quantitative easing program certainly contributed positively to steering the US economy back to life from the precipice of the GFC. Inflation has remained low, the currency has not lost its allure as the world's most sought after legal tender and unemployment (albeit slowly) has declined to acceptable levels. Despite the end of quantitative easing, the monetary policy of the Fed remains extraordinarily accommodative. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
4 Nov 2014 - Fund Review: Bennelong Long Short Fund AFM Fund Review September 2014
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund.
CPD Points are now available for all AFM Fund Reviews. Read the review and answer 5 questions to earn half a point toward your continuing professional development.
- The Fund is a research driven, market and sector neutral, "pairs" trading strategy investing primarily in large cap stocks from the ASX/S&P100 Index, with a twelve year track record and annualised net returns of 17.49% pa.
- The consistent returns across the investment history indicates the Fund's ability to provide positive returns in volatile and negative markets and significantly outperform the broader market.
Fund performance was muted for the month as the market drifted without any strong thematic and investors were subject to merger andacquisition activity/speculation, yield/defensive buying and stock specific issues. Our assessment is that the April factors thatnegatively impacted fund returns, which were of a more global nature, were persisting early in the period but since have abated. Fund activitywas limited in May as our view of market fundamentals have not really changed.
Sean Webster
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors
3 Nov 2014 - Fund Review: Totus Alpha Fund Sept 2014
- Totus Capital is a Sydney based long short fund manager established in 2012 by Ben McGarry which aims to place equal emphasis on performance and capital preservation. The Fund invests mainly in Australia, but also in other developed economies, with a primary exposure to equity markets.
- The Totus Alpha Fund?s investment strategy is to identify structural themes, and then seek to drive performance by investing in securities that have concentrated exposure to those themes. Single stock short positions are used to generate alpha, frequently in under researched parts of the market such as the small and mid-cap space. Index derivatives are used to hedge the portfolio?s market risk.
- McGarry qualified as a Chartered Accountant with PWC in 1999 and has 14 years market experience, commencing his career covering European building materials and construction sectors at Morgan Stanley in London. Previous experience included analytical roles at Ausbil, a Sydney based $10bn+ long-only manager, and sell side emerging companies experience at UBS. McGarry?s emerging company research with UBS included exposure to a range of sectors including energy, materials, industrials, tech, financials, retail and telecommunications.
- The Fund has delivered an annalised return of 26.92% since inception in March 2012 as compared to 16.37% for the ASX 200 Accumulation Index. The standard deviation has been higher than the Index at 13.64% as compared to 10.47% and the Sharpe ratio is 1.62.
Sean Webster
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

3 Nov 2014 - Allard Investment Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | |
Manager Comments | At the end of September the asset breakdown of the portfolio stood at 75.5% invested in equities and 24.5% held in cash and fixed income. Within equities the Fund major sector holdings were Financial Services (19.0%), Conglomerates (11.9%) and Telco's (7.8%) Major country holdings were HK/China 41.5% and Singapore 11.9%. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
31 Oct 2014 - Hedge Clippings
The great QE policy experiment ended overnight, (or at least QE3 ended) with the sky failing to fall in. In fact far from tanking, the market took the well telegraphed end of taper in its stride, with the S&P500 up 0.6%. Whether this was a case of relief that "nothing" happened or not will remain to be seen, but in reality it is hardly likely that the FED will start to tighten interest rates for at least six months.
As far as economic experiments go QE1, 2 and 3, along with the Taper have been pretty extraordinary. Like them or loath them, the US economy, particularly employment, has managed to pick itself up off the floor having been knocked there by a combination of lax (or minimal) regulation, some financial wizardry, and plenty of good old fashioned greed.
Rising interest rates now remain the big test, not only to the economy, but also to the markets. All the economic indicators suggest the US economy will be able to manage the orderly raising of rates reasonably well. Markets may well be a different matter if there's a stampede out of equities, but the question is, where to?
Any increase in rates will see falling bond prices, particularly at the short end. Over time higher bond yields will prove attractive, but coming off such a low base this will certainly take time. Volatility, or at least the fear of it, would appear to be the biggest risk to equity prices while there are so few alternatives other than cash.
Assuming the FED can manage an orderly increase in rates (sufficient to avoid spooking the equity market) then inflation might be the great unknown risk. However with the recent declines in energy prices, and the strengthening US dollar, this would seem unlikely also.
The problem is that risk always appears when least expected, and often from the least expected direction. (Think 9/11).
That still leaves plenty of opportunity for China, Europe, emerging markets and geopolitical factors to play their part.
And on that note, have a happy and relaxing, worry free week-end.
Don't miss out! Thursday 13 November in Sydney Best Cellars Night of Global Investment Themes.
Presented by Insync Funds Management, enjoy an evening presentation on some of the powerful global investment themes that will help to build your wealth offshore, together with a tasting of some truly interesting wines from all corners of the world.
25-27 March 2015 Digital Marketing for Banking and Financial Services Summit.
Specific results received this last fortnight include the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
In a difficult month for equities the Insync Global Titans Fund returned 3.81%, bringing it's 12 month return to 13.86% with volatility of 8.09%.
The KIS Asia Long Short Fund returned -0.08% during September and 8.21% for the prior year with a volatility of 2.73%.
Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund returned -3.59% in September, a weak month for domestic equities (ASX 200 Accum Index -5.38%).
With a volatility of 0.57%, Laminar Credit Opportunities Fund returned 0.84% during September and 9.54% for the prior year (compared with the RBA Cash Rate of 2.50%).
The Cor Capital Fund's diversification was seen in September when the Fund fell 1.03% compared with the ASX 200 Accum Index which fell 5.38%.
CPD points are available for all FUND REVIEWS released this week including:
Bennelong Alpha 200 Fund; Alpha Beta Asian Fund
This week's Now For Something Completely Different... Why didn't the skeleton go to see a scary movie? He didn't have the guts.
Best wishes for a happy halloween and healthy weekend,
Connect with me on LinkedIn Twitter Facebook
Registration to AFM is free and provides general information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments. | Fund Managers and paid Subscribers have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. | Prism Select provides self-directed investors and their advisors with factual information, performance data and opportunity to apply for funds online using OLIVIA123. | Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:15 pm for AFM's weekly comment. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
31 Oct 2014 - Cor Capital Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Cor Capital Fund is a Multi- Asset Fund which combines a pre-determined strategic asset allocation with active but systemised rebalancing to generate returns and manage volatility whilst maintaining transparency and liquidity. The Fund strategy is not reliant on accurate market predictions, forecasts or timing for success. Returns are generated in a number of ways; 1) by maintaining sufficiently large positions in a diverse group of asset classes, 2) via the 'volatility harvesting' consequences of active rebalancing, and 3) from the offsetting behaviour of certain asset classes under specific conditions. The combined portfolio is expected to exhibit relatively low volatility and low turnover. In the interests of avoiding complexity, maintaining liquidity, and minimising reliance on third parties, the Fund strategy does not employ gearing, derivatives or short-selling. |
Manager Comments | In month's with negative equity market returns the Fund's average draw-down is -0.06% as compared to -2.80%. In positive month's on the equity market the averages are 0.34% and 2.19% respectively. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |