18 Aug 2014 - Forager Australian Shares Fund
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Manager Comments | Since inception (October 2009) the Fund has out-performed the ASX 200 Accum index with a return of 13.98% (Index 8.77%) with Sharpe and Sortino ratios of 0.78 and 1.34 above that of the Index. While positive contributors included portfolio mainstays GBST, Hansen and RNY Property Trust, the most significant contribution came from a new addition to the portfolio �" civil and mining company Brierty. Those gains were partly offset by declines in Infigen Energy and Hughes Drilling. There is now approximately 17% of the fund invested in a collection of businesses either directly or partially exposed to mining services. The sector remains under intense pressure, and a couple of these investments have been a significant drag on performance over the past 12 months. The Fund's monthly report is available on the AFM website under the Fund's profile. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
18 Aug 2014 - Fund Review: Microequities Deep Value Microcap Fund July 2014
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Microequities Deep Value Fund.
- The Microequities Deep Value Fund has a 5 year track record investing in ASX listed equities. The Fund is a fundamental, research-driven Fund investing in equities with a market cap below $250m. The Fund uses a value philosophy based on the view that microcaps are often under-researched and under-valued.CIO Carlos Gil has over 15 years financial market experience across a broad range of equities.
- The Fund does not short, use derivatives or borrow i.e., it is long only and is concentrated; usually with 15 to 20 companies across industrial sectors.
- Resource stocks are avoided.
If you have any questions in relation to the Fund Review or the CPD points, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Sean Webster
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

15 Aug 2014 - Hedge Clippings
This week Hedge Clippings attended the ARRIA Round Table in Sydney. ARRIA, for those not aware of the organisation, stands for the Association of Real Return Investment Advisors and acts as a resource for independent financial advisors looking for ways to improve returns and diversify risk for their clients.
It was the third such ARRIA Round Table event we have attended, and it was pleasing to note the expanding numbers of attendees, and as a result the level and depth of discussion and debate that ensued.
The points we tried to make at the meeting were twofold:
Firstly, what's in a name? It doesn't really matter what they're called - real return, absolute return, alternatives, or hedge funds - the end objective of each is to provide an attractive risk adjusted return, and appropriate diversification to underlying markets or asset classes.
The second point was that there's no silver bullet when choosing the ideal asset class, strategy or product as the universe is infinitely variable, and certainly not homogenous, as are the end investors' needs and objectives. Having said that we do believe that research, research and more research is the key to understanding any investment product's strategy and performance, rather than some simplistic rating or label applied to a product for marketing and distribution purposes.
Inevitably the subject of fees raised its head, as it so often does, with the usual opinions and concerns. Tim Farrelly, probably quite correctly, claimed that over the past half century or so the wealth management industry (and specifically hedge funds) had done more to improve the wealth of those in the industry than the wealth of the investors for whom they were investing.
In our opinion that misses the point about research and manager selection. There are undoubtedly fund managers that don't deliver value, just as there are some who deliver excellent value. Bundling them into one basket and avoiding them all risks reverting to index or ETF type products that provide long term market returns, complete with the market's volatility, albeit at very low fees. The solution comes from doing the research, both quantitatively on performance and risk, and qualitatively on the product, manager, strategy and processes.
Following on from last week's Hedge Clippings, we referred to fund manager Jonathan Rochford's article "The Great Fee Debate - Resetting Manager and Investor Expectations". What did occur to us in this debate is the structure and alignment of interest that fees can create - or for that matter obscure - depending on the strategy, structure and size of the fund involved.
There is a strong argument that funds with assets under management (AUM) well into the multi billions do not require management fees of over 1% in addition to a performance fee of 10% or 20%. Without necessarily singling them out, in Magellan's results announced today, they indicated that the total capacity of their combined funds was potentially $50 billion. Whilst Magellan's average management fee might well be lower than their stated 1.35%, this plays into Tim Farrelly's argument pretty easily.
It is encouraging to note that some smaller managers, such as Monash Investors, are proposing to lower their management fee as AUM increases, and will achieve their alignment of interest with investors through co-investment and performance incentives.
There's a myriad of why's and where fore's in the great fee debate, including the fees on LIC's, structure and others, not forgetting of course that if the manager is performing to expectations, why shouldn't they benefit from the successful business they've built? There are few complaints about the profits made in other industries, with the exception perhaps of banking, but let's not go there.
Specific results received this week include the following PERFORMANCE UPDATES:
Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund returned 1.07% during July bringing annual performance to 7.02% with a volatility of 4.29%.
Returning a performance result of 12.50% in July (Index 4.40%), the Paragon Fund brings annual returns to 43.65% (Index 16.54%).
The Optimal Australia Absolute Trust returned 1.03% during July and 6.37% for the previous twelve months with a standard deviation of 1.69%.
AFM are now accredited by the Financial Planning Association of Australia to issue CPD points for FUND REVIEWS.
This week's updated reviews include:
Supervised High Yield Fund, Alpha Beta Asian Fund and also Monash Absolute Investment Fund
Read the most recent Fund Review for any of our research clients, and then answer 5 straightforward questions, these are presented in multiple choice format. An 80% or more success score will provide 0.5 CPD points, with a certificate provided as proof of completion. There is no charge for this service.
Wednesday 27 - Friday 29 August Money Management's Platforms and Wraps conference in the beautiful Hunter Valley, NSW. Covers the latest industry trends and innovation, while also exploring technology iniatives, client segmentation, data ownership, analytics, marketing and distribution, regulatory reform and consolidation. Pre-conference golf and wine tour of Hope Estate included. Special rate for members.
Tuesday 26 August in Melbourne and also Tuesday 9 September in Brisbane , from 12pm to 4.30pm - ARRIA is hosting a further round table discussion, providing a valuable opportunity to meet with like-minded advisers. Free to Financial Advisors.
If you would like your Event listed in our calendar, please contact us.
This week's Now For Something Completely Different we say a sad farewell to Robin Williams, who made us laugh, he made us cry and bought so much joy to the world. Now go out and make your life spectacular, like he did.
Best wishes,
Connect with me on LinkedIn Twitter Facebook
Registration to AFM is free and provides information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments, plus detailed infomation on Featured Funds. | Fund Managers and paid Subscribers also have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. | Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:10pm for AFM's weekly comment on Hedge Funds. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
15 Aug 2014 - Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | The Sharpe and Sortino ratios were 2.22 and 4.98 respectively as compared to 1.61 and 3.27 for the ASX 200 Accumulation Index respectively. The low volatility nature of the Fund is indicated by the Up and Down Capture ratios of 0.24 and -0.12 respectively. The Fund has also achieved 85% positive months since inception in September 2008. The Trust's performance in July featured very strong returns from stock selection, although the Fund's net short exposure to a sharply rising market held back overall returns. At a stock level, the Fund's long positions performed strongly, with positive attribution of +3.4%, on long market exposure averaging 54% of NAV, or around double the overall market's gain on an equivalent exposure basis. This more than offset the cost of insuring our portfolio against downside risk. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
14 Aug 2014 - The Paragon Fund
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Fund Overview | Paragon accepts that markets are not always efficient in pricing information into securities and that no one investment style works in every stage of the investment cycle. Subsequently Paragon adopts a top down thematic led approach to identify companies exhibiting sustainable or improving returns on capital driven by volume growth, pricing power and competitive advantages. Paragon utilises both quantitative analysis to provide probability weighted high/low/base case valuations and qualitative analysis in assessing management, the business model and likely direction of returns. Paragon will allocate assets to each investment opportunity based on a risk/reward profile. Positions have defined investment parameters and risk limits, which are then monitored on an ongoing basis. |
Manager Comments | Volatility was 13.36% as compared to the Index at 8.23%. The Sortino ratio was 7.97 (Index 3.27) with the Up and Down Capture ratios 1.47 and -1.16. Key drivers of the Paragon Fund performance for July included strong returns from our resource investments in Liquefied Natural Gas, Triton Minerals, Orocobre Ltd and OZ Minerals. Industrial firms Crown Resorts and G8 Education also had strong months. At the end of June the fund had 25 long positions and 4 short positions. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
14 Aug 2014 - Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund's discretionary investment strategy commences with a macro view of the economy and direction to establish the portfolio's desired market exposure. Following this detailed sector and company research is gathered from knowledge of the individual stocks in the Fund's universe, with widespread use of broker research. Company visits, presentations and discussions with management at CEO and CFO level are used wherever possible to assess management quality across a range of criteria. Detailed analysis of company valuations using financial statements and forecasts, particularly focusing on free cash flow, is conducted. Technical analysis is used to validate the Manager's fundamental research and valuations and to manage market timing. A significant portion of the Fund's overall performance can be attributed to the attention and importance given to the macro economic outlook and the ability and willingness to adjust the Fund's market risk. |
Manager Comments | Since inception (May 2006) performance is sound with a return of 13.24% (ASX 200 Accum 5.33%) and a volatility of 7.61% (Index 14.32%). The Sharpe ratio over that time is 1.1 (Index 0.13). The net equity market exposure of the Fund (including derivatives) was increased to 60.1% (82.4% long and 22.3% short). Long positions in Crown, Challenger and BHP were the major positive contributors. Short positions in Webjet and Price Index Futures contracts (hedging longs), as well as a long position in Ansell,were the largest detractors. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
14 Aug 2014 - Fund Review: Monash Absolute Investment Fund July 2014
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review. You are also able to view the Fund's Profile
- The Fund is a research driven, active equity long/short strategy investing in listed ASX companies.
- The Fund seeks to identify opportunities in the share market to make positive returns (long and short) irrespective of market conditions. It is style agnostic, as compelling investment opportunities exist across all investment styles from time to time. The Fund places a high priority on capital preservation, and has an absolute return focus in accepting market risk.

14 Aug 2014 - AIMA Australia Education Forum
AIMA Australia Education Forum
Presented by: AIMA Australia
Thursday 14th August 2014 from 12:15 - 2:00pm, Sydney, NSW
The next AIMA Australia education forum will be held on Thursday 14th August. The forum will discuss regulatory, tax and other issues, as well as current observations and insights associated with a range of hedge fund investment products, including Australian unit trusts, Cayman funds, UCITS and listed investment companies.
It is a "must attend" event for hedge fund managers reviewing their current products or considering development of new products.
Date and Time
Thursday 14th August, a light lunch will be available from 12.15 - 12.45pm, with the forum to commence at 12.45pm and finish before 2pm. Please note that food and drink cannot be taken into the theatre, so please arrive early if you wish to eat.
Nikki Bentley, Partner, Henry Davis York
Nikki has extensive experience advising fund managers, product issuers and service providers on all aspects of their businesses. She specialises in business establishment and structuring, product development, Australian financial services licences, funds management business acquisitions, wholesale and retail product disclosure, distribution and compliance.
With more than a decade's funds management experience in private practice, government and as an in-house lawyer, Nikki's practice spans the range of funds management products, advising on alternative investment products, Australian and international equities trusts, property trusts, debentures and cash management trusts.
Nikki recently advised on the establishment and offering of capital guaranteed offshore alternate investment vehicles to Australian and New Zealand retail investments raising in excess of AUD$1.4 billion; the formation of an Australian subsidiary of a large UK financial services group and advising a group of institutional investors on range of structures that would allow them to access private equity and illiquid investments costs effectively.
She is the Honorary Legal Counsel and Chair of the Regulatory Committee for the Australian branch of the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) and is a member of the Investment and Financial Services Council (FSC) Regulatory Issues and Product Rationalisation working groups.
Nikki is recognised as a leading lawyer in the areas of Financial Services Regulation and Investment Funds by Chambers Asia Pacific 2014, 2013 and 2012. She has also been listed as an expert in Funds Management in Best Lawyers since 2013.
Allan Mortel, Director, Taxation, Moore Stephens
Allan has over 15 years? experience providing tax advice on a wide range of corporate tax, international tax, Goods and Services Tax (GST) and Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) matters to privately owned businesses, multinationals and listed companies.
He is an industry expert in the financial services and not-for-profit sectors, writing articles on tax issues and making submissions on taxation reform for both these sectors. He has also presented the annual tax updates at the Property Funds Association (PFA) Research and Compliance Roadshows and the Hedge Fund Operations Forums in Sydney.
Allan is the Chairman of the Moore Stephens Australia Tax Group and a member of the Moore Stephens Australia Asian Markets Group.
UBS AG, Theatre, Level 4 Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney
(please note - entrance is via the Bent Street lifts, not the main foyer)
RSVP deadline
Tuesday 12th August. There is a limit of two attendees per organisation.
If you would like to attend this education event, please click here to register. If you have any specific regulatory issues you would like Nikki to cover if time allows, please include them in the box provided on the registration form.
13 Aug 2014 - Fund Review: Supervised High Yield Fund June 2014
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
- The Supervised High Yield Fund (SHYF) has a 5 year track record investing in fixed interest investments. The Investment strategy aims to deliver returns with zero correlation to equity markets by investing in debt securities with minimal default probability and offering a premium return above the risk free rate.
- The Fund is managed by Philip Carden whose experience in debt and capital markets spans 32 years, including time with JB Were's Capel Court Securities and Macquarie Bank, where he was the Executive Director responsible for the Debt Markets Division.
- SHYF is an Alternative Income fund which invests in Global and Australian debt markets, with all foreign currency receivables hedged back to Australian dollars.
- The Fund utilises a top down analysis of the economic environment and market to screen and identify debt market opportunities which it believes offer low risk with high yield. The next stage is the development of a risk matrix and investment strategy, following which detailed research is undertaken on specific investment opportunities which meet the pre-defined criteria established in the investment strategy.
- Prior to approving an investment for the Fund each potential investment is subject to two stress tests. The first of these is for credit and default risk, in which the investment is stress-tested to ensure that in a worst case economic environment it can repay 100% of its principal and interest obligations case scenario for the asset by examining the highest margin over the risk rate that the investment has previously experienced in a crisis situation. Any decline in value under the stress test that exceeds 10% of the Fund's value is avoided The second test examines market risk. In this case Carden looks at the worst case scenario for the asset by examining the highest margin over the risk rate that the investment has previously experienced in a crisis situation. Any decline in value under the stress test that exceeds 10% of the Fund's value is avoided.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

11 Aug 2014 - Bennelong Alpha 200 Fund
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Fund Overview | The core investment strategy of the Fund consists of the active selection of a series of paired long/short investments in Australian listed equities based upon the Investment Manager's fundamental research. The strategy seeks to capture stock Alpha whilst limiting portfolio exposure to market risk by adopting a dollar neutral portfolio market exposure position with the tactical capability to take net exposure of up to +/- 20% of gross assets. Stock selection is based on fundamental analysis to derive a view of a pair of individual stocks. The Investment Manager is style neutral in determining the stock's positioning. This primary 'pairs' strategy may be enhanced by other complementary strategies, including event driven, security and takeover arbitrage, thematic and momentum trading. The paired stock positions comprise long and short correlated securities that are in most cases simultaneously opened. A portfolio of approximately 30-100 stocks will be selected and actively managed in 15-50 pairs to comprise the core minimum (60%) of the Gross Asset Value. Up to a maximum of 40% of the portfolio's Gross Asset Value may be invested in uncorrelated securities and/or uncovered (long and/or short) positions. These 'satellite' positions are intended to enhance returns and to balance overall portfolio risk. In this regard, the Investment Manager recognises that it is not always possible to achieve a suitable paired profile within the S&P/ASX 200, and that a high conviction long or short stock idea might not always have a suitable pair. |
Manager Comments | The Fund's best pairs the shorts, as well as the longs, all contributed positively to performance during the month, which is pleasing given the strength of the market. Unfortunately, with the exception of Breville, all the stocks in the bottom spreads contributed negatively �" with the result being marginally positive fund performance for the month. Looking slightly further ahead, the prospect of higher US interest rates as growth recovers further will tend to dominate investor positioning. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |