19 Jul 2013 - Fund Review: Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review. You are also able to view the Fund's Profile.
Key points regarding the Fund are:
- Kardinia is a boutique Australian based Fund Manager established in August 2011 in conjunction with the Bennelong Group to continue the management of the Herschel Absolute Return Fund.
- Long biased, research driven, active equity long/short strategy investing in listed ASX companies with a six year track record and an annualised return of 14.10% net of fees.
- Portfolio Managers Mark Burgess and Kristiaan Rehder have significant market experience, while the Bennelong Group provide infrastructure, operational, compliance and distribution capabilities.
- Consistent top decile long short equity sector performance with Key Performance and Risk Statistics indicating an attractive risk/reward profile. There is a strong focus on capital protection in negative markets.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

18 Jul 2013 - Fund Review: Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Optimal Australia Absolute Fund.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
- Optimal Australia is a specialist Australian equity investment manager established in 2008.
- The Fund's long/short equity strategy portfolio typically has a low but variable net market exposure comprising 40 to 65 stock broadly selected from within the ASX200.
- The investment team comprising George Colman, Peter Whiting and Stephen Nicholls have close to 90 years combined experience in equity markets.
- Consistent out-performance of the market: Approximately 84 % of monthly performances have been positive with a largest drawdown of -1.38%.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

17 Jul 2013 - Australian hedge funds don't always fit the global mould
The seemingly never-ending stream of negative headlines relating to global hedge funds is at odds with the reality of the Australian hedge fund sector. This not only relates to performance and risk (surely the most important measures for any investor) but also to size, liquidity, availability and fees.
Most recently there have been reports that this underperformance will lead to the age of multibillion-dollar hedge funds drawing to a close. The reality is that there are very few multibillion-dollar hedge funds in Australia, and while performance varies significantly from fund to fund, as a whole their performance has been in line with expectations.
According to a report by Goldman Sachs, global hedge fund performance lagged the S&P 500 by approximately 10% over the past year, and as at the end of June hedge funds had gained just 1.4% in 2013. By comparison, Australian based funds investing in global equities returned 16.52% (net of fees) in the 12 months to June, against the S&P 500 which returned 17.58%. That's a marginal underperformance of 1%, but achieved with a much lower volatility.
Hedge funds are continually reported as being illiquid, with redemption terms frequently running between three months and one year. By comparison over 95% of all Australian-based funds have liquidity of one month or less, and 50% of those have daily liquidity.
Most recently there has been considerable comment, much of it negative, regarding the SEC's decision to permit US hedge funds to advertise to the general public. In Australia all funds have to be registered or licensed with ASIC, increasingly offering better transparency and investor reporting than many traditional "long only" funds.
Hedge funds might not be suitable for all investors, and their depth and breadth of strategies and risks certainly require additional research, understanding, and due diligence. Once that's done however, the best funds provide outstanding performance with significantly lower volatility than traditional managed funds.
17 Jul 2013 - Fund Review: AFM Prism Active Equity Fund
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the AFM Prism Active Equity Fund.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
The Prism Active Equity Fund ("PAEF" or "Prism") comprises a portfolio of 5 to 10 underlying Australian absolute return managers each investing in ASX listed equities.
The Fund's objective is to achieve double-digit annualised returns with significantly lower volatility than the underlying equity markets, with a focus on capital protection.
Fund selection is made based on a combination of quantitative analysis of past performance and risk, coupled with extensive analysis and due diligence of the underlying manager's processes and pedigree.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

16 Jul 2013 - Fund Review: Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
- Research driven, market and sector neutral, "pairs" trading strategy investing primarily in large cap stocks from the ASX/S&P100 Index, with a ten year track record and annualised net returns of over 20% .
- Portfolio Manager Richard Fish has over 25 years market experience, while Bennelong Funds Management, who have over $4.5 billion in FUM across various funds, provide infrastructure, operational and compliance functions.
- The Fund's Investment history commenced in January 2002 and has positive annual returns each year, including an 11.95% return in 2008 and 20.6% in 2011, both of which were negative years for the ASX200.
- Consistent returns across the investment history indicates the Fund's ability to provide positive returns in volatile and negative markets and significantly outperform the broader market.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

15 Jul 2013 - Fund Review: BlackRock Multi Opportunity Fund
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the BlackRock Multi Opportunity Fund.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
- BlackRock is the world's largest fund management group. Since being established in 1988 it has grown organically and by acquisition to manage US$3.56 trillion as of July 2012.
- Operations cover 27 countries including Australia (where BlackRock has A$45 billion in FUM) managing a broad range of strategies across a variety of asset classes.
- The Multi Opportunity Fund is an Australian domiciled multi strategy fund of funds which allocates investors' capital into underlying BlackRock funds at the discretion of the Sydney based investment team.
- The Fund offers broad diversification across asset classes including equities, fixed income, currencies and commodities with an attractive risk profile, having provided double digit returns since 2009 with low volatility.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors

12 Jul 2013 - Hedge Clippings
Bernanke can't seem to decide which pedal to push
Ben Bernanke's comments overnight certainly set the US market alight, no doubt much to the delight of investors around the globe. However they seem at odds with the comments he made just a few weeks ago that tapering of QE could be expected in the not too distant future.
His previous comments put the skids under the equity market, pushed up bond yields along with the US dollar, and as a result further weakened the $A. However the tapering scenario didn't seem too illogical even if somehow it took many market participants by surprise, which in itself was surprising given most must recognise that QE can't continue forever.
The difficulty for investors of course is to know whether Ben Bernanke's next remarks are going to have the equivalent effect of him hitting the brakes, or the gas. I'm sure he's not doing this intentionally, and after all he should be the person with all the data at his fingertips, but having started the difficult process of weaning markets off QE, putting them back on again would seem to be not only sending mixed messages, but also delaying the inevitable.
The situation in both Europe and China is not helping. Parts of Southern Europe remain what is best termed economically as basket cases, with politics (or politicians being re-elected) having as much influence on economies and markets as anything else. Meanwhile in China there seems ongoing confirmation that the glory days are over, even if hopefully growth will continue at more sustainable levels.
All this highlights the rising market volatility, as noted by George Colman from Optimal Funds Management in his most recent report to investors, when he pointed out that the typical ASX daily trading range since 2000 has been around 0.9%. More recently daily trading ranges of plus or minus double that figure have become almost frequent, making investment decisions difficult to say the least.
In spite of this, albeit with just under 50% of fund returns for June to hand, returns have been significantly better than the market, even if the average return of equity based funds has been negative at 0.90%. To date, 72% of returns have outperformed the ASX 200 Accumulation Index (which fell 2.32%), and 29% provided positive returns. A full breakdown can be found here.
Some more specific results received this week include the following Performance and News Updates:
The Optimal Australia Absolute Trust returned -0.18% in June as the ASX200 Accumulation Index suffered its second successive monthly loss as investors continued to sell AUD risk assets. The Manager particularly noted the increasing equity market volatility, with recent daily trading ranges of over 2% significantly higher than the typical range since 2000 of around 0.9%, and the distortion on valuations created by QE policies which they believe may persist for years.
Insync Global Titans Fund returned 0.91% in June as bond yields rose on the prospect of a tapering of QE. The Fund's return was assisted by holdings in companies driven by consumer spending such as BSkyB, Macdonald's, Reckitt Benckiser, Nestle and Roche.
The Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund returned -0.46% during June (for only it's second negative month in the past 2 years) with a net equity exposure at month end of 35.5% including derivatives (46.7% long and 11.3% short).
Morphic Global Opportunities Fund returned 1.84% during June. The Fund's top stock contributors this month came from individual stocks in a variety of countries, plus a few successful macro-economic tilts based on the Manager's belief that US government bond rates would rise, and the Australian dollar would continue to fall.
And finally, for something completely different, a clever shadow theatre act brings a tear to the eye.
On that note, I hope you have a happy and healthy weekend!
5 Jul 2013 - Hedge Clippings
Focus on the Facts
May's performance data is behind us, but reflecting on it will serve to show the risk averse nature of absolute return funds in general. Against the ASX 200 accumulation index which fell 4.5%, (cutting year-to-date performance to just 5.4%) AFM's index of all funds rose by 0.36%.
Drilling down through this data on a regional basis is not quite as compelling, with funds investing domestically in Australia losing an average of -1.53%, although still an outperformance of 3% above the index. However it does bear out our previous view that with the A$ falling out of favour, local investors would benefit by looking for funds investing offshore.
Although just 7% of June fund returns are to hand, June performance is not looking as positive, with an average fall of 0.91% against the ASX 200 accumulation index fall of 2.32%. However it again indicates the potential defensive nature of the sector.
With that in mind we are always surprised that hedge funds are typified as risky. Certainly there are some that have shown significant risk, while there are others that have performed in line with expectations, and some outstandingly. Over 12 months fund returns in AFM's index have ranged from -59% through to +66%.
Recently to overcome the misconception that that there was limited choice of funds for retail investors we analysed the performance of funds with minimum investments of $50,000 or less on behalf of Alan Kohler's Eureka Report. The facts are that over 50% of the funds in AFM's database have minimum investments of $50,000 or less, and of those three quarters have minimum subscriptions of $25,000 or less. Full details of the analysis are available here.
The issue for retail investors therefore is not so much availability, as suitability, with the more complex investment strategies demanding greater understanding by investors, and therefore additional research and due diligence. Unfortunately the quality of some research recommendations available to retail investors has in our opinion been lacking, and in some cases out of date.
Guaranteeing or even predicting the future performance of managed funds is difficult, if not impossible. Analysis of their past performance, and in-depth analysis of processes and systems, while easier, provides some indications, but still requires a critical and quantitative approach. On the occasion of the Guardian newspaper's 100th anniversary in 1921 the editor C P Scott wrote "comment is free, but facts are sacred", a tag line the newspaper retains to this day.
Unfortunately some research on managed funds focuses excessively on comment (and opinion), and insufficiently on the facts.
Performance and News Updates on this week:
8IP Asia Pacific Partners Fund returned -1.36% during May and 18.58% for the last twelve months. The Fund's exposure in Australia and Japan detracted from performance as the small resource stock exposure continued to suffer and the Japanese financials experienced profit-taking.
The BlackRock Multi Opportunity Fund returned -0.16% during May and 8.98% since inception. The fund delivered a small negative performance in May with Global Equity Market Neutral, European equity long/short, and International Alpha Transport strategies adding value. Australian Equity Market Neutral, Global Macro, and Fixed Income Global Alpha strategies detracted.
AFM Prism Active Equity Fund returned 1.66% during May with the ASX 200 Accumulation Index down 4.5% over the same time. Of the five underlying funds, three had a positive month in May, and two had negative returns. One of the funds delivered a remarkable performance of 9.49% and this was the major contributor to the fund's performance.
The Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund returned 1.1% during May bringing it's since inception (Feb 2002) return to 21.03%. The Manager expects recent volatility to persist as markets and investors grapple with a potential change in ultra-loose monetary policy which has been in place for so long now.
You may also like to watch this most recent episode of Opalesque.TV, discussing Australian Hedge Fund Strategies, attractive liquidity terms and investors.
Now for something completely different, an unruly dog creates havoc in Richmond Park, sparking a host of parodys around the globe.
On that note I wish you a happy and healthy weekend.
28 Jun 2013 - Hedge Clippings
As Australia's financial year draws to a close, so to it would seem does the outlook for any extension of quantitative easing in the USA; the resources boom in Australia; the Aussie dollar at parity or above; and possibly China's growth trajectory.
Over the past two months the uncertainties created as a result of these will still result in a positive year for Australian equity markets, even if some of the gloss has been taken off the top as rationality returned.
For the record it looks as if the ASX 200 will record one of its better years in the 12 months to June, up nearly 18%, although the second half, since January will struggle to show a gain of 4%.
A comment from one of the fund managers we recently talked to focused on the degree of involvement that politicians have had in global markets over the past three or four years.
Politically it also ends one of the more turbulent years (or three) in Australian politics, although local politicians have had less of an impact on the market than their overseas counterparts.
Looking forward there are significant changes on the horizon for the financial services industry, most notably the introduction of the FOFA legislation relating to the provision of financial advice to retail investors. While it is often considered that absolute return funds and retail investors are, or should be, like oil and water, the reality is that approximately 50% of the funds in our database are open to investment by retail investors, and slightly more than that have minimum investments of less than $50,000 and daily liquidity.
Elsewhere we believe the absolute return industry is gaining considerable traction, while at the same time maturing. AIMA, or the Alternative Investment Management Association has recently indicated that its Australian arm, under the leadership of industry veteran Paul Chadwick is taking a more proactive and outward looking approach. At the same time the US Based Hedge Fund Association or HFA, has recently established an Australian chapter and is being represented by Adriana Kostov.
The Hedge Fund Association, is a US founded, International not-for-profit industry trade and nonpartisan lobbying organisation devoted to advancing transparency, development and trust in alternative investments, and is made up of hedge funds, funds of funds, family offices, high net worth individuals and service providers.
There is no doubt that competition between the two organisations will benefit all industry participants whether they be service providers, fund managers or investors. For too long the industry has been seen as a collection of boutiques without a single voice, and raising its profile is a step in the right direction.
Performance and News Updates on this week:
Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund returned -4.05% during May and 10.51% for the last six months. This compares with the benchmark return of 0.24%. Average gross capital employed by the Fund was 162.3% long and 31.2% short. Average net exposure over the month was +131.1%. At the end of the month the Fund had 25 long positions and 14 short positions.
The Totus Alpha Fund returned 1.84% during May and one year rolling returns are 17.34%. Since inception the fund has averaged returns of +1.45% (net) during months in which the ASX was up and +1.63% (net) during months in which the ASX was down. The fund's short positions in second and third tier mining and mining services stocks continued to deliver strong returns during May while the (more) recently added domestic cyclical shorts also contributed nicely to performance.
BlackRock Australian Equity Market Neutral Fund returned -2.12% during May and 6.09% for the preceding twelve months. Fund performance was hurt by the rebound in small/mid cap resources which had been sold down heavily in April, by the outperformance of USD exposed stocks, and by several significant stock specific profit warnings.
The Pengana Australian Equities Market Neutral Fund returned -1.7% during May bringing its since inception (Sept 2008) return to 8.27% pa. Earnings Revisions was the best performing investment theme in the Fund's model followed by Momentum and Value, while Quality detracted from performance for the month.
AUI Wingate Global Equity Fund returned 8.95% over May and 23.81% over the preceding twelve months. Performance was supported by the weaker Australian dollar as the portfolio's assets are unhedged. Successful stock selection contributed to relative outperformance notwithstanding the Fund's lower than average equity weight.
Fund Reviews were also completed on Insync Global Titans Fund and BlackRock Australian Equity Market Neutral Fund.
Now for something completely different, this week one of Rowan Atkinson's characters visits the bank.
On that note I wish you a happy and healthy weekend and look forward to a prosperous new financial year starting on Monday.
24 Jun 2013 - Fund Review: Insync Global Titans Fund
Attached is our most recently updated Fund Review on the Insync Global Titans Fund.
We would like to highlight the following aspects of the Fund:
- Boutique Sydney-based fund manager established in 2009 with an investment team of 3, with additional input from the CEO who is
- responsible for all operational, risk and compliance management.
- The Global Titans Fund invests in a concentrated portfolio of 15-25 stocks, targeting exceptional, large cap global companies with a strong
- focus on valuation and downside protection.
- Portfolio selection is driven by a core strategy of investing in companies with sustainable growth in dividends, high returns on capital,
- positive free cash flows and strong balance sheets.
- Emphasis on limiting downside risk through extensive company research, the ability to hold cash and long protective index put options.
- Strong track record of above MSCI ($A) benchmark performance with limited drawdowns.
Research and Database Manager
Australian Fund Monitors