24 Dec 2013 - Allard Investment Fund
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Fund Overview | |
Manager Comments | The Fund's low volatility is evidenced by its maximum draw-down of 18.29% and downside deviation of 5.45% with the comparative S&P/ASX 200 Accum Index data of 47.19% and 9.90% respectively. Data is since inception in July 2003. Geographic exposure was China/HK 33.6%, Singapore 13.0% and Korea 9.9%. The industry break-down was dominated by Financial Services at 15.5%, Conglomerates at 12.0% and Telco's at 8.8%. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
23 Dec 2013 - Auscap Long Short Australian Equities Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund focuses on fundamental long and short investments. The Fund may utilise a multi-strategy approach if short term opportunities to increase returns, hedge the portfolio, protect capital or minimise volatility are found. The Fund is a high conviction fund and the combined portfolio will typically have 25-45 positions, investing primarily in stocks in the ASX200. The Fund may be net long, short or neutral depending on the strategies employed at the time. The Fund may hold cash so that it is in a position to take advantage of market volatility and compelling investment opportunities as and when they arise. The Fund may be geared up to 200% gross long or short and up to 150% net long or short. |
Manager Comments | The Fund had an average gross capital employed of 131.5% long and 13.8% short for a gross total of 145.3%. The Manager comments 'While we do not make forecasts, we do try to draw sensible conclusions about the economy and the stock-market in which we are a participant. It seems highly unlikely that the market will repeat or better last year's performance next year. The market has been assisted by a number of things during 2013, including the re-rating of equities as sentiment turned more positive and the rates of return offered by alternative assets declined.' |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
20 Dec 2013 - Hedge Clippings
Buy the rumour, Sell the fact - or in the case of the reaction to the FED's announcement of the start of the tapering process, Sell the rumour, Buy the fact has never seemed more accurate, even if it does turn out to be a one day rally. The taper news probably overshadowed the decision, or indication, that interest rates would stay close to zero for longer, but in any event US investors and the market should break for Christmas with a reasonably positive outlook heading into 2014.
Having enjoyed a solid 2013 I would expect they'll be reasonably pleased about the year just past, unless they were long resources, and gold in particular. Looking at the average returns of funds in AFM's database as an example, although only to the end of November, equity based funds are up 19.19% year to date, neck and neck with the ASX200 accumulation index which gained 19.18% over the same period. Non-equity funds have struggled meanwhile, rising only 4.06% YTD to the end of November.
Meanwhile on the regulatory front, Australia's new government probably hasn't had the best press since its election in September. Today's announcement by the Assistant Treasurer, Senator Sinodinis of significant amendments (aka watering down) of the Future of Financial Advice (FOFA) legislation is likely to receive mixed reactions. The proposed changes will undoubtedly reduce the cost and inconvenience to the industry created by the original FOFA, but various measures designed to protect, or inform investors and consumers would seem to have been significantly reduced in the process.
As a result the reaction will no doubt depend on which side of the desk you happen to be sitting. Or as former PM Paul Keating once famously quoted: "In the race of life, always back self-interest, at least you know it's trying."
This will be the last edition of "Hedge Clippings" for 2013 as we head to the sand and the surf to work off the excess intake that is likely to take place next week, past performance in this case being a very reliable guide to future consumption. We'll be back bigger (as usual) and hopefully better than ever, with some exciting developments in store for investors and fund managers alike.
In the meantime thank you for your readership and interest over the past year, and wishing you a wonderful Christmas, and a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Specific results received this week include the following PERFORMANCE and NEWS UPDATES:
Optimal Australia Absolute Trust returned -0.52% during November bringing the twelve month performance to 1.61% and annualised returns since inception (Sept 2008) to 10.45% p.a. with a volatility of 3.62% p.a. The Fund's net risk exposure was 4.0% while gross exposure was 67.2%. Long investments returned -0.58% while short investments returned 0.04%.
The Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund continues to deliver low risk returns recording 0.52% during November and 6.80% for the last 12 months with a volatility of 1.67%. The Fund has a Sharpe ratio of 2.33 and a maximum draw-down of 0.19% over the last twelve months as compared to the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index draw-down of 6.72%.
Bennelong's Long Short Equity Fund returned -1.80% during November and 20.32% for the previous twelve months with a below market volatility of 9.36% p.a. (S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index 11.51%). The Fund's long-term performance remains strong with a since inception (Jan 2003) annual return of 20.82% as compared to the Index of 10.08% p.a. with a slightly below Index volatility. The Fund's maximum draw-down is notable at -12.22% as compared to the Index value of -47.19% as is the Fund's Sharpe ratio at 1.25 as compared to 0.43 (Index).
The Cor Capital Fund returned -0.90% during November, a weak month for equity markets which returned -1.31% (S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index). The Manager comments 'During November the Fund's cash holdings made the largest positive contribution to performance (+0.08%) with equities (-0.26%) and precious metals (-0.64%) making negative contributions to the overall return.'
FUND REVIEWS updated this week include:
Morphic's Global Opportunities Fund is a global equity long/short manager with a long bias and a macro-economic overlay. The mandate allows the Fund to short sell, use derivatives and invest in assets such as commodities & currencies as Fund's philosophy is that only Managers with flexible investment and hedging strategies will be able to deliver acceptable, steady, real, absolute returns over the investment cycle.
12 February 2014: Investment Administration Conference - Efficiency in a Regulated World.
If you know of any upcoming hedge fund industry Events, or would like your Event listed in our calendar, please contact us.
We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and if you are going away, a safe and happy holiday. Here are the AFM Christmas elves with a little bit of song and dance:
On that note, Merry Christmas and we will see you again in the new year!
Best wishes,
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Registration to AFM is free and provides information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments, plus detailed infomation on Featured Funds. | Fund Managers and paid Subscribers also have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. | Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:20pm for AFM's weekly comment on Hedge Funds. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
19 Dec 2013 - Fund Review: Morphic Global Opportunities Fund
AFM has updated the Fund Review on the Morphic Global Opportunities Fund.
Key points include:
- The Fund is a global equity long/short manager with a long bias and a macro-economic overlay. The mandate allows the Fund to short sell, use derivatives and invest in assets such as commodities & currencies.
- Portfolio construction is stock selection agnostic with a bias to value based and momentum strategies. Risk management is a primary consideration in portfolio construction and the strong emphasis on risk is evidenced by the Fund's annualised standard deviation of 8.80% (10.10% ASX 200 Accum Index), maximum drawdown of 1.57% (6.72% Index) and downside deviation of 1.68 (5.30 Index).
- Morphic's philosophy is that only funds with flexible investment and hedging strategies will be able to deliver acceptable, steady, real, absolute returns over the investment cycle.
- The Fund is an early stage, boutique, Sydney-based fund established in 2012 with experienced CIO's, and an investment team of 6 including a risk manager.
- The Board has a majority of independent members with significant risk and investment experience.
For further details on the Fund, please do not hesitate to contact us.
18 Dec 2013 - Cor Capital Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Cor Capital Fund is a Multi- Asset Fund which combines a pre-determined strategic asset allocation with active but systemised rebalancing to generate returns and manage volatility whilst maintaining transparency and liquidity. The Fund strategy is not reliant on accurate market predictions, forecasts or timing for success. Returns are generated in a number of ways; 1) by maintaining sufficiently large positions in a diverse group of asset classes, 2) via the 'volatility harvesting' consequences of active rebalancing, and 3) from the offsetting behaviour of certain asset classes under specific conditions. The combined portfolio is expected to exhibit relatively low volatility and low turnover. In the interests of avoiding complexity, maintaining liquidity, and minimising reliance on third parties, the Fund strategy does not employ gearing, derivatives or short-selling. |
Manager Comments | The Manager comments 'During November the Fund's cash holdings made the largest positive contribution to performance (+0.08%) with equities (-0.26%) and precious metals (-0.64%) making negative contributions to the overall return.' The Manager also notes that market volatility appears to be increasing again and the Fund's active re-balancing and broad asset allocation should allow it to capitalise while maintaining downside protection. Downside protection without the use of derivatives, gearing or short-selling necessitates an acceptance of some month-to-month volatility. The Manager expects the investment strategy to deliver medium-term stability regardless of financial market conditions given the Fund's asset allocation. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
18 Dec 2013 - Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | |
Manager Comments | The Fund's long-term performance remains strong with a since inception (Jan 2003) annual return of 20.82% as compared to the Index of 10.08% p.a with a slightly below Index volatility. The Fund's maximum draw-down is notable at -12.22% as compared to the Index value of -47.19% as is the Fund's Sharpe ratio at 1.25 as compared to 0.43 (Index). Fund performance was weak as several stock specific issues affected returns. The portfolio was impacted primarily by a profit warning on one of the long positions, an earnings miss by another long and a re-rating by the market of some our short exposures in consumer discretionary and healthcare. The Fund did not make any major portfolio adjustments during November. Negative returns in the long book were not fully offset by short position positive returns. The Financials sector returns were profitable in long and short positions whilst consumer discretionary positions were loss making in longs and shorts. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
17 Dec 2013 - Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund aims to produce positive returns irrespective of the direction of the share market. For each investment the manager considers the risk, the timeline of that risk occurring and then the potential return. Low transaction costs and liquidity are other important factors in the success and implementation of the strategies. |
Manager Comments | The Fund has a Sharpe ratio of 2.33 and a maximum draw-down of 0.19% over the last twelve months as compared to the S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index draw-down of 6.72%. The Manager comments that 'Two very important market fundamentals were reinforced during the month: a) The market does not always go up and the timing of declines is difficult to predict; and b) Each Merger and Acquisition deal is unique and should be priced on the risks inherent in each deal.' Despite the GNC loss, Mergers and Acquisitions contributed +0.24% to the Fund's performance for the month. Positive contributions came from the Trust Company scheme of arrangement with Perpetual after the scheme was approved by shareholders and similarly Clough Resources. The Options portfolio contributed +0.15% of performance on the back of a small increase in volatility. Positions in over-sold industrial companies provided opportunities through significant short term share price rallies. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
16 Dec 2013 - Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | The Fund's net risk exposure was 4.0% while gross exposure was 67.2%. Long investments returned -0.58% while short investments returned 0.04%. The Manager notes 'that the nature of leadership in the Australian equity market is starting to an encouraging manner. The 'great rotation' out of bonds into equities appears largely done. The blind chase for equity yield, irrespective of the payout ratio, earnings valuation or quality of that yield, seems less frenetic. While the effects of financial repression continue to ripple through all asset markets, local equity investors seem slightly more discriminating. Single day post-downgrade price collapses of 26% (Worley Parsons) and 22% (QBE) remind us that stocks can be dangerous to hold at any time. The massive flood of corporate equity issuance (much of it from Private Equity vendors) has led to some real indigestion: of the 13 IPO deals so far this quarter, five (39%) are now trading underwater.' |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
13 Dec 2013 - Hedge Clippings
Last week we wrote of the unfamiliar weakness of the ASX in November, and the apparent disconnect between the local market and the US. In December the ASX200 has continued to decline with a range of less than positive news damaging investor confidence and enthusiasm. November's general market weakness was put down to some pre-Christmas fatigue, profit taking to chase a range of new IPO's (which have been largely uninspiring on debut) possibly some broader political/economic concerns, and finally some offshore selling on concerns for a weaker A$.
Not so long ago there was hope for returns of 25% for the ASX200 in 2013, which with a week and a half to go look more likely to be 15%. To the end of November Equity based funds in AFM's database had returned just under 20% YTD, much in line with the ASX200, with 82% of funds to date outperforming in November.
With the A$ trading below US$0.90 the currency view was certainly correct, assisted by some overnight comments from RBA Governor Stephens who would be happy to see it fall further. Elsewhere this week the decision by General Motors to finally bite the bullet and cease manufacturing Holden cars in Australia from 2017, based on uncompetitive labour costs and agreements and the equally uncompetitive currency, probably helped.
Coupled with the previously announced decision by new Treasurer Hockey to knock back the foreign takeover of GrainCorp, and the posturing about "eavesdropping" on our neighbours by Australia's security agencies (after all, amongst other things, isn't that what they're there to do, and don't they do the same to us?) and there hasn't been too much positive news on the political or economic front.
All is not lost though. The Wallabies seem to be getting their mojo back. Australia are two up in the cricket against the "old enemy" England... surely we can't blow it from here? And there you have it: The sun's shining, the beach beckons, the Christmas parties are in full swing. It's all a case of priorities!
Specific results received this week include the following PERFORMANCE and NEWS UPDATES:
Morphic's Global Opportunities Fund returned 5.48% in November and 41.50% for the previous twelve months with a volatility of 9.06% p.a. Fund exposure was 112% net at month-end and 169% gross with a VAR of 1.30% at the 95th percentile. Largest sector exposures were Financials, Information Technology and Consumer Discretionary with geographic exposure dominated by North America.
The top three active positions were US financials, a Global Cylical Basket and a Data Centre Spread with the first two positions net long and the last position net flat. The Fund also had currency position in the USD/Yen and an interest rate position that was long European Rates.
The Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund returned 0.15% during November and 14.73% for the previous 12 months as compared to the S&P/ASX 200 Index return of 23.18% but with a volatility of 2.83% as compared to 11.51% for the Index. Since inception in May 2006 the Fund has delivered 14.10% p.a. (4.69% Index) with a volatility of 7.78% (14.70% Index).
Short positions in Westpac and Westfield and long positions in Henderson and Macquarie were the largest positive contributors to performance, whilst long positions in Sirius and Carsales were the largest detractors. The Fund's net equity market exposure decreased to 56.9% (86.6% long and 29.7% short).
Monash Absolute Investment Fund returned -0.58% in November and 35.0% over the last year with a Sharpe Ratio of 3.49. The Fund had a month-end net exposure of 98% and gross exposure of 107%. Notable risk statistics for the Fund are the draw-down of -1.35% (S&P/ASX 200 Accum -6.72%), Up capture ratio of 0.69 and Down capture ratio of -0.13 with 76% positive months. All data is since inception in May 2012.
The Manager discusses a number of portfolio holdings including Emerchants, Technology One, Ozforex and Emeco Holdings.
The Insync Global Titans Fund returned 4.4% during November and twelve month return of 23.47% with low volatility of 6.67% p.a. The Fund's continues to record sound risk statistics with an annualised volatility of 8.36% p.a. (S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index 12.24% p.a.), a maximum draw-down of 4.39% (15.13%) and a down capture ratio of -0.52.
The biggest contributors for the month were Time Warner Cable (a subject of takeover speculation), Coach, Wyndham Worldwide, Reckitt Benckiser and Oracle. The Fund benefited from the depreciation of the Australian dollar during the month, having no foreign exchange hedging in place.
FUND REVIEWS updated this week include:
BlackRock's Multi Opportunity Fund offers broad diversification across asset classes including equities, fixed income, currencies and commodities with an attractive risk profile, having provided double digit returns in 2009 through 2012 with low volatility of 4.17% since inception.
The current strategy has seen the Fund record only three negative months since May 2010, leading to annualised returns over the past 48 months (to October 2013) of 11.74% and an annualised volatility of 2.16% pa. The four year Sharpe Ratio is 3.60, indicating an excellent reward-to-risk ratio. BlackRock's Active Scientific involves extensive research into every aspect of the investment process starting with the identification of fundamental investment insights. These are thoroughly tested to ensure that the outcome consistently adds to performance: Quantitative analysis is also applied to balance both performance and risk ensuring the position is only taken when the potential for reward is adequate. Only insights meeting this multi level process are implemented into portfolios.
12 February 2014: Investment Administration Conference - Efficiency in a Regulated World.
If you know of any upcoming hedge fund industry Events, or would like your Event listed in our calendar, please contact us.
While on the subject of cricket, today's the anniversary of the birthday WG Grace in 1850. And now for something completely different, Dionne Warwick's birthday was yesterday. Here she is in 2000 in a live tribute to Burt Bacharach and Hal David. It's a long clip, but you don't have to watch it all.
On that note, enjoy the week-end!
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Registration to AFM is free and provides information and performance data on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments, plus detailed infomation on Featured Funds. | Fund Managers and paid Subscribers also have access to details on Individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, latest news and performance reports. | Tune into Sky Business on Foxtel every week on Monday at 2:20pm for AFM's weekly comment on Hedge Funds. |
Australian Fund Monitors are helping to raise awareness to support research into prevention and cure for cerebral palsy. For more information visit or contact me by email.
13 Dec 2013 - Insync Global Titans Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | |
Manager Comments | The Fund's continues to record sound risk statistics with an annualised volatility of 8.36% p.a. (S&P/ASX 200 Accumulation Index 12.24% p.a.), a maximum draw-down of 4.39% (15.13%) and a down capture ratio of -0.52. The biggest contributors for the month were Time Warner Cable (a subject of takeover speculation), Coach, Wyndham Worldwide, Reckitt Benckiser and Oracle. The Fund benefited from the depreciation of the Australian dollar during the month, having no foreign exchange hedging in place. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |