12 Aug 2013 - Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | The fund's risk statistics are notable. Downside capture ratios are -0.11, -0.12 and -0.22 over the last 12, 24 and 36 months respectively indicating that, on average, the fund has positive returns when the overall market is negative. Specifically, the fund has had positive monthly returns of 0.33%, 0.39% and 0.48% when the market is negative over the previous 12, 24 and 36 months. The Manager comments that it is certainly possible that equities will remain the 'best of a bad lot' from an asset allocation perspective, which may drive additional money flows and further price gains. However, in the Manager's view, equity valuations in Australia are essentially unattractive for a market which will likely follow any progressive, US-led normalisation of long bond rates, but which has vastly less certainty over earnings growth. There will always be opportunities for the fund at a stock level, especially through what appears likely to be a challenging earnings season. From this juncture ― featuring elevated volatility, high valuation, a questionable growth outlook, a risk that yield curve normalisation turns disorderly, and thus significant capital risk ― the Manager continues to favour a low net exposure, hedged approach to managing the fund's capital. |
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9 Aug 2013 - Hedge Clippings
Recent market volatility, which saw the ASX200 fall in March, May and June gave way to a much improved month in July, with the ASX200 Accumulation Index rising 5.2% to take 12 month performance to 23.75%. Equity based hedge funds have on average only marginally underperformed, with average returns for July of +4.24%, and 12 months of 20.61%.
Based on the 39% of funds reported for July, returns to date 35% outperformed the ASX200, with that figure falling to 23% over the past 12 months. The best performing strategy for July was Equity 130/30 at 6.34% taking 12 month performance to +27%.
Rates down to historic lows
That the bulls are out in force in a market which has risen over 20% is positive news, although significant further gains seem to be at odds with some current fundamentals. The past week has seen the RBA cash rate fall to 2.50% on the back of a weaker overall economy, business confidence has reached a four year low, and unemployment a four year high.
Election / Budget deficit expands to fit a black hole
Add to that an election campaign where the outcome is not the forgone conclusion that it was a month or two ago, and a revised budget deficit of $30 billion, up from the previous estimate of $18 billion which was only provided 10 weeks ago. Given both sides of politics will no doubt be wanting to tempt voters with further welfare generosity and/or tax concessions over the next four weeks of the campaign, it would seem that whichever party wins the election will have to deal with further increases in the deficit.
Some specific results received this week include the following Performance and News Updates:
Allard Investment Fund returned 0.2% during June and 17.65% for the 12 months to June 2013. Returns since inception (July 2003) are 9.02% annualised.
The AUI Wingate Global Equity Fund returned 3.69% during June bringing the financial year performance for FY 13 to 29.79%. On a monthly basis for the past 12 months, the portfolio captured 91% of the market's gain when the market was positive but only 54% when the market was negative.
Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund returned 1.31% during July bringing it's twelve month return to 15.20%. The since inception (May 2006) return is 14.13% pa.
The Morphic Global Opportunities Fund returned 7.71% during July and 41.16% over the previous twelve months. The Fund is fully invested and overweight in the US and Japan, although the latter overweight has been reduced. The Fund remains un-hedged into Australian dollars and has slowly increased its short position in the currency versus the US dollar and the Euro.
Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund returned 3.52% during July. Fund performance was solid with the long portfolio comfortably outperforming the negative impact from the short portfolio. At the sector level, the best positions were in Consumer Discretionary, Energy and Materials which were all strong but partially offset by negative returns in Industrials and Financials.
For something completely different - Oh What a Feeling?
On that note, I hope you have a happy and healthy weekend!
9 Aug 2013 - Morphic Global Opportunities Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | The Fund's top contributors this month were a handful of individual stocks in a variety of countries, a basket trade in US financials, plus gains from the Manager's belief that the Australian dollar would continue to fall and that Australian and US short term interest rates would stay low for considerably longer than the market had been expecting. The main detractors to performance this month were reasonably small. The Manager had eased its way back into shoe manufacturer Crocs this month but exited again after the company made disappointing comments on its short term outlook. The Fund's Japanese home builder basket was also weak as initial results from companies in the sector proved to be lacklustre, and these shares have also now been sold. The Fund is fully invested and overweight in the US and Japan, although the latter overweight has been reduced. The Fund remains un-hedged into Australian dollars and has slowly increased its short position in the currency versus the US dollar and the Euro. |
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9 Aug 2013 - Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | Fund performance was solid with the long portfolio comfortably outperforming the negative impact from the short portfolio. At the sector level, the best positions were in Consumer Discretionary, Energy and Materials which were all strong but partially offset by negative returns in Industrials and Financials. The August reporting season is expected to be patchy as the domestic economy remains weak however market expectations are commensurate with the poor operating conditions. As such there may not be too many surprises when profits are released. |
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7 Aug 2013 - Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund consists of a concentrated long/short portfolio typically comprising 30 to 40 ASX300 listed stocks, generally with a long bias aligned to the overall market direction. There is a slight bias to large cap stocks in the long side of the portfolio, although in a rising market the portfolio will tend to hold smaller caps, including resource stocks, more frequently. On the short side, the portfolio is particularly concentrated, with stock selection limited by both liquidity and the difficulty of borrowing stock in smaller cap companies. Short positions are only taken when there is a high conviction view on the specific stock. The Fund uses derivatives in a limited way, mainly selling short dated covered call options to generate additional income. These typically have less than 30 days to expiry, and are usually 10 to 15% out of the money. ASX SPI futures and index put options can be used to hedge the portfolio's overall net position. |
Manager Comments | Global equity markets rallied strongly in July with the MSCI World Index up 5.2%. In the US, the Q2 reporting season began well and economic data continued to improve. Despite deteriorating domestic economic news and signs of slowing Chinese growth, the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index rose 5.3%. The Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund rose 1.3% in July with limited Resources and small cap exposure contributing to a relatively disappointing month. CSL, EBOS, QBE Insurance and BHP Billiton performed strongly, whilst McMillan Shakespeare, Share Price Index futures contracts (hedging long positions) and Treasury Wine Estates were significant detractors from performance. Net equity market exposure (including derivatives) was progressively increased through the month to 50.8% (58.5% long and 7.7% short). |
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6 Aug 2013 - AUI Wingate Global Equity Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund's derivatives strategy primarily involves the selling of cash-backed put options to purchase stocks at a price in Wingate's fair price range but below current market price. The sale of the put option can result in either purchase of the stock at an acceptable price to Wingate, or the Fund receiving income in the form of the option premium. Importantly all option positions are fully backed by cash holdings and the Fund does not borrow to make investments. In addition, covered call options may be used to sell stocks that are held in the portfolio. |
Manager Comments | On a monthly basis for the past 12 months, the portfolio captured 91% of the market's gain when the market was positive but only 54% when the market was negative. The Fund's performance benefited from strong stock selection in the US, offset by a lack of exposure to Japan and an under-weight position to European shares. The Fund's total return was also helped by the weakening US dollar. In a low-growth macro environment the portfolio has increased its exposure to companies returning significant amounts of capital through dividends or share-buy backs. |
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5 Aug 2013 - Allard Investment Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | The Fund was 71.4% invested with 28.6% held in cash and fixed income (allocated 14.8% of NAV in HK dollars, 4.0% of NAV in US dollars and 9.8% of NAV in Australian dollars). In terms of geographic breakdown HK/China was 33.4% of NAV, followed by Singapore at 13.4% and Korea at 11.2%. The Industry break-down was Financial Services 15.0% of NAV, Conglomerates at 12.6% and Telecommunications at 8.5%. The portfolio top five holdings were 38.9% of total NAV with the next five holdings at 16.3%. |
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2 Aug 2013 - Hedge Clippings
Markets powered ahead in July, with risk taking a back seat once more as the US economy continued its recovery, aided by QE and the absence of any powerful negative forces. Fears that QE might end seemed to dissipate, or maybe investors began to get used to the fact that it must do so sooner or later.
Fresh highs on the S&P500 make a stark contrast to the performance of the Australian market which has been dogged by China and the resources perception, and more recently lower rates, both of which have accelerated the decline of the $A as offshore investors repatriated funds. Along with this local investors are increasingly looking to diversify offshore, possibly too little too late, but the experts seem to think the trend will continue for a while yet.
Three pieces of news this week related to the funds management industry: ASIC released Phase 2 of their review of financial advice industry practice, specifically covering the 21st to 50th largest financial services licensees. The 20 largest practices were covered under Report 251.
The new Treasurer, the Hon Chris Bowen released an exposure draft & explanatory memorandum on the proposed final element (stage 3) of the Investment Management Regime, or IMR which resulted from the Johnson report into Australia's standing as a financial services centre, completed in 2009. It still sounds complicated to me, particularly when the objective was to encourage offshore investors into Australia's financial services industry, which incidentally accounts for over 10% of GDP.
Finally the Treasurer also announced a planned five year freeze on major changes to Superannuation (excepting those recently announced) if re-elected. Legislative certainty is essential for investors' confidence, so maybe the taxation of both local investors in superannuation, and offshore investors in Australian managed funds should both be formalised by whichever party wins the upcoming election.
Some specific results received this week include the following Performance and News Updates:
BlackRock Multi Opportunity Fund recorded a return of 0.10% during June 2013 and an annual return of 9.02%. The Fund is notable for its low risk attributes with a sixty month Sharpe ratio of 1.02, annualised standard deviation of 4.45% and Sortino Ratio of 1.24.
The Intelligent Investor Value Fund returned -0.69% over June and 36.89% over the financial year. The Fund has an annualised return of 11.3% pa since inception (31 October 2009), more than double the 5.1% pa return of the All Ordinaries Index.
Monash Absolute Investment Fund was up 5.6% after fees in July, bringing the 12 month return to 23.4%. The portfolio continued to more than keep up with the broader market this month despite action taken to protect returns by: trimming some holdings; increasing cash, and; adding to the short positions.
Fund Reviews updated this week include:
Morphic Global Opportunities Fund is an early stage, boutique, Sydney-based fund established in 2012 with experienced CIO's, and an investment team of 6 including a risk manager. The Board has a majority of independent members with significant risk and investment experience. The Fund is a global equity long/short manager with a long bias and a macro-economic overlay. The mandate allows the Fund to short sell, use derivatives and invest in assets such as commodities & currencies. Portfolio construction is stock selection agnostic with a bias to value based and momentum strategies. Risk management is a primary consideration in portfolio construction. Morphic's philosophy is that only funds with flexible hedging strategies will be able to deliver acceptable, steady, real, absolute returns over the investment cycle.
The Aurora Fortitude Absolute Return Fund has an eight year track record and has consistently applied a low risk market neutral strategy focusing on ASX listed equities designed to provide investors with returns of 5% to 10% over cash, with low volatility and minimum drawdowns during varying market conditions. The overall strategy is Market Neutral, but the Manager uses five broad sub strategies with uncorrelated returns to build diversification into the portfolio. Over 87% of monthly performances have been positive, with no losing months in 2008 and a largest drawdown of -2.09%.
BlackRock Australian Equity Market Neutral Fund is managed by a 12 person Sydney based investment team following a systematic global research process investing in ASX listed stocks. The Fund's portfolio generally consists of approx. 180 stocks in equally weighted long and short portfolios to maximise potential returns while minimising market volatility. Blackrock's scientific approach is based on their philosophy that by blending highly qualified investment professionals (people skills) with the information, processing power and data collection capacity of powerful computer systems (quantitative) the result will be faster and better investment decisions and therefore outcomes.
For something completely different - getting it wrong: I'm sure we have all done this at some stage!
And for those not familiar with the dubious joys of NSW politics, this week saw the release of ICAC's findings and recommendations for the prosecution of former state Labour ministers Eddie "he who must be obeyed" Obeid, and Ian "Sir Lunchalot" Macdonald.
Not to be outdone, the current State Premier, liberal Barry O'Farrell gave his Finance Minister Greg Pearce his marching orders, admittedly for relatively insignificant misdemeanors. We have to take our hat off therefore to the editor of the Daily Telegraph for today's photo and accompanying headline.
On that note, I hope you have a happy and healthy weekend!
2 Aug 2013 - Monash Absolute Investment Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund places a high priority on capital preservation, and have an absolute return focus in accepting market risk. The Manager employs a comprehensive approach to making investment decisions utilising value, growth and discounted cash flow styles. The portfolio is somewhat concentrated and the manager looks to diversify the portfolio across industries and themes rather than staying near an index. The portfolio may at times have a large amount of cash or other protection. |
Manager Comments | The portfolio continued to more than keep up with the broader market this month despite action taken to protect returns by: trimming some holdings; increasing cash, and; adding to the short positions. Many of the Fund's stocks performed strongly this month, even though there were no noteworthy announcements. The main feature of the month was that about half of the long positions returned 10% or more and there were few detractors. |
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1 Aug 2013 - Intelligent Investor Value Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | The most significant contributors to performance were Vision Eye Institute, GBST and QBE while Astro Japan and UXC detracted from performance. The Manager notes that there are more stocks that usual in the Value Fund currently. The Fund has been buying small amounts of a number of mining and mining services business as the investment market for these stocks has capitulated, particularly in the last few weeks of June. Liquidity has been a problem once the Fund started buying share prices have often quickly moved against it and the Fund has no intention of establishing large positions in any of these stocks. But with some trading at significant discounts to net cash or huge discounts to net tangible assets and, in one particular example, less than 1.5 times earnings, the Manager's view is that a basket of them could perform well even if the worst China fears are realised. The number of holdings should remain under 20, but the Fund could end up with quite a few stocks in this space. |
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