7 Mar 2013 - BlackRock Australian Equity Market Neutral Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund's portfolio primarily consists of long and short Australian equity positions. The Fund may also invest in other funds managed by BlackRock. Derivative securities, such as futures, forwards, swaps and options, can be used to manage risk and return Key insights into the investment process include: - Analyst Expectations - Relative Valuation - Earnings Quality - Market Signals - Timing Short-Term return enhancing opportunities including: - Dividend reinvestment plans - Manging index changes - Managing cash flows - Arbitrage - Initial public offerings and Seasoned Equity Offerings - Off Market Buybacks |
Manager Comments | The manager notes that January saw strong performances from many of the more volatile and poor quality stocks. The portfolio suffered from strong rallies in several specific stocks in the resources sector as the market rewarded good news catalysts, despite resources under-performing overall. Significant positive contributions to the portfolio came from long positions in selected domestic cyclicals and stable yield names. Two of the Fund’s top contributors for the month were the long positions in Aristocrat Leisure (ALL) and Flight Centre (FLT). Among the top detractors were the short positions in Linc Energy (LNC) and Alumina(AWC). The Fund has notable sector over-weights in Materials, Consumer Discretionary and Financials and a zero weight in Consumer Staples. |
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6 Mar 2013 - Microequities Deep Value Microcap Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | The Fund makes investments with a medium to long term time horizon of between 12 months to 3-5 years in the companies it selects for investment. The Fund invests in companies generating positive earnings (EBITDA) for at least 2 years with a stable management and track record for delivering value to shareholders. |
Manager Comments | The Fund used the past month to purchase additional stakes in some of the best businesses in the utilities sector and telecommunications, taking advantage of weaker share prices in those sectors. The Fund also exited Webjet Ltd (ASX:WEB) after a holding period that dates back to the Fund’s inception. The manager notes that they are admirers of Webjet as a business, its management and the board but the decision to dis-invest was based on the fact that it was trading well above intrinsic value. In terms of outlook the Australian economy is poised for an interesting year. A number of industries like construction, manufacturing, and to a lesser extent retailing are experiencing difficult operating climates. Across the services sector there are pockets of buoyancy whilst the mining sector, despite the negative headlines, is still providing a supportive role in economic growth. The overall mix of these scenarios means domestic 2013 GDP is likely to come in below trend growth rate of 3%, and hover between 2.0% to 2.6%. |
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6 Mar 2013 - Buffet Pulls Ahead
Warren Buffett's $1 million bet in January 2008 that an equity Index fund would beat a suite of fund of hedge funds over 10 years has recently received significant press coverage.
The bet was between Buffett and Protégé Partners, a New York hedge fund of funds. Protégé selected five funds of hedge funds to compete against Buffett's selection of a Vanguard fund tracking the S&P 500 Index. A charity chosen by the winner will receive the $1 million when the bet ends on December 31, 2017.
As on January 1, 2013, after five years and half way through the bet, Buffet's choice of index fund has finally moved ahead of the fund of funds for the first time, having returned 8.69% compared with the five fund-of-funds return of 0.13%. At the end of the previous year the Index fund lagged by 0.38%.
The identity of the underlying funds has never been disclosed. However the results of the Dow Jones Credit Suisse Hedge Fund Index have been used as a proxy, as it has roughly tracked the hedge funds chosen, after adjusting for extra fees.
A number of points need to be raised with respect to the performance of the hedge fund of funds. Firstly fund selection can be like stock selection, choosing the best manager is critical to performance.
Secondly Fund of Funds traditionally underperform single funds. They may provide great diversification, but that generally dampens returns even if it does provide much lower volatility.
The main point is that the Index fund had a very significant drawdown of almost -37% in 2008 while the hedge funds fell -24% and deep drawdowns significantly damage the value of compounding. For example, assuming an average return of 5.5% pa over 10 years, $100 accumulates to $170.81 over that time. However assuming a 40% market pullback in year 5 the value declines to $78.41. Even if the 5.5% returns commence again at this point until the end of ten years the value only rises to $97.1 0. Over the decade the investor loses 3%.
Read the entire article from Sean Webster, AFM Research and Database Manager here.

5 Mar 2013 - K2 Select International Absolute Return Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | The fund maintained net equity exposure in a 95-100% range over February. With global markets somewhat mixed and in many cases volatile, the regional variance of markets was quite big with the fund's best performance achieved in Australia, US and Europe, with Asia the main weak spot. At the stock level, Google, a new investment and also the funds largest investment was the biggest contributor to performance over the month. Elsewhere large contributions came from French food tester Eurofins and US refiner Marathon Petroleum. The manager's outlook for equity markets remains positive but indicates that the Italian election result, weak Chinese economic data, the onset of sequestration and the pending budget funding approval in the US all represent near term risks which are likely to cause some volatility in markets over the short term. However the manager notes that the real risk to markets will come when central banks either choose or are forced to change tack on monetary stimulus. |
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4 Mar 2013 - Nanuk Clean Energy Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | Wind stocks were particularly strong during January.The share prices of European wind equipment manufacturers and project developers responded to Decemberʼs announcement of an extension to the US Production Tax Credit, a mechanism responsible for most of the wind development activity in the US. Also during the month, Chinaʼs energy plan for the period of 2011-15, was released which included a wind installation target of 18GW, ahead of most expectations. Share prices in Chinese wind equipment manufacturers and developers responded positively. At January month-end the Fund was 83% long and 73% short for a gross exposure of 156% and a net long exposure of 14%. The Fundʼs five largest long positions were a European wind farm operator, an energy storage solutions supplier, a Chinese hydro-power generator, a European renewable energy power operator and high voltage cable manufacturer. The five largest short positions were a European energy efficiency and insulation supplier, an electric equipment supplier, two energy equipment suppliers and an industrial chemicals supplier. After two months of solid gains supported by positive industry developments, we are more confident that 2012 represented a share price floor for a number of clean energy companies. Nevertheless we remain cautious about a possible market pull back in the near term. |
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1 Mar 2013 - LHC Capital Australia High Conviction Fund
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Manager Comments | The Fund has significant sector under/over weightings with over-weights in financials at 23%, healthcare at 17% and materials 16%. Notable under-weights were Energy at 2% and Consumer Discretionary at 2%. The most profitable holdings were Mayne Pharma with a contribution of 2.29%, Technology One 0.44% and Freedom Foods 0.43%. Loss positions were Teranga Gold with a -0.98% contribution, Reva Medical -0.40% and Platinum AM -0.40%. In terms of exposures the fund was 81.2% long and 26.6% short for a gross exposure of 107.8% and net exposure of 54.6%. |
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28 Feb 2013 - Prime Value Growth Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | Stock selection was positive across most sectors. The stocks which contributed the most to performance included the banks, particularly National Australia Bank (up 9.4%), Computershare (up 16.5%) and Monadelphous (up 9.1%). The only company to detract from performance was Whitehaven Coal (down 6.3%), which warned that first half earnings would be well below expectations due to weak coal markets and strong Australian dollar. At a stock level, the fund prefers to combine companies with attractive growth characteristics which are witnessing positive revisions, particularly dividend revisions. The fund is also favoring stocks with strong balance sheets which have the capacity and opportunity to put their balance sheets to work. The manager's view is that the Australian equity market is not expensive especially versus some other financial assets. |
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27 Feb 2013 - WaveStone Capital Absolute Return Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | The manager reported stabilising influences across share markets over the month with diminishing global tail risks. The US fiscal ‘cliff’ was avoided, Japan announced a strong stimulus package and Chinese Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) data was pleasingly robust. Commodity markets continued their improvement with a 2.5% price rise in Australia’s basket of exports. However domestic economic data continues to lag the rest of the world with flat building approvals, a small rise in the unemployment rate, largely unchanged consumer sentiment and modest capital spending by corporates. Despite the weak environment, industrial shares have been in a bull-market since June last year with mining and resource-linked shares joining in as the iron ore price rebounded from October. Cheaper money, excess liquidity, attractive dividend yields and now finally the prospect of some earnings per share growth has assisted momentum. Within the fund the better performers for the month were Magellan, News Corporation and ANZ, while detractors included Sirtex, Sydney Airport and PanAust. Most of the short positions detracted over the period. Some profits were harvested in winning positions of the past six months including Sirtex and Ainsworth, as elevated portfolio positions were trimmed to more appropriate levels. The manager also reduced some stock specific short positions on the view that the market would turn its attention towards lagging stocks. At month-end, exposures were long 118.9%, short 22.9% and net long 96.0% |
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26 Feb 2013 - Magellan Global Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
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Manager Comments | The manager noted that the performance was driven by the quality of the companies in the portfolio as well as patience. There were 24 investments and cash levels of 2.5%. The Fund's themes continue to be emerging market consumption growth (representing 27% of the portfolio), US interest rates (14%), a move to the cashless economy (14%), US housing (13%) and internet/e-commerce (11%). The manager continues to see Europe experiencing low growth but is more constructive on the outlook for the US and China. Also notable is that the portfolio is structured to take into account the potential for a rapid readjustment of bond and foreign exchange markets once current policy stimulus by global central banks is withdrawn. |
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25 Feb 2013 - Pimco EQT Wholesale Global Bond Fund
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FUM (millions) | |
Fund Overview | PIMCO concentrates on two sources of return: - Sector Allocation and Rotation; and - 'Bottom up' Credit Analysis of individual bonds and issuers. |
Manager Comments | The fund benefited from the following strategies; financials, non-Agency mortgages, underweight duration and high yield corporate bonds. Negative returns came from agency mortgage backed securities. In terms of outlook the manager remains concerned regarding fiscal policy, sovereign risk and political events. The portfolio is focused on those sectors likely to benefit from the central- banked induced liquidity rally. Due the very low level of interest rates at the short-end and concern regarding the impact of inflation on the long-end of the curve the fund is concentrating on the inter-mediate sector of the curve. The fund is also concentrating on corporates and quasi-sovereign bonds in countries with strong balance sheets, e.g., Brazil. The fund has a 6% exposure to sub-investment grade, a duration of 5 years and a yield of 6.1%. |
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