31 Jan 2013 - BlackRock Multi Opportunity Fund
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Fund Overview | - Australian and International Equity Long/Short - Global Fixed Income Long/Short - Global Macro - Commodity Alpha - Alpha Transport The Fund's goal is to provide investors with a source of consistent, risk-controlled, absolute returns that are over time, expected to have low correlations with the returns of major asset classes. The Fund aims to achieve a return of 8% p.a. before fees, above the RBA Cash Rate Target over rolling 3 year periods. In order to achieve its expected return objective, the Fund will target a total expected risk of between 4-6% p.a. over the same rolling 3 year period. |
Manager Comments | The Fund benefited from the stronger environment for risk assets, policy easing by central banks and generally improving economic data. The largest contributions over the quarter were fixed income by asset class and bond selection by strategy, with global macro the weakest asset due to currency investments. For 2013 the Manager remains concerned about global fiscal policy tightening and budget negotiations in the US, but is constructive on the US economy beyond these issues. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
25 Jan 2013 - Hedge Clippings 25 January
In this issue:
We're back after the Christmas & New Year break - greatly and gratefully refreshed, and relishing the challenges and opportunities of 2013. The break wasn't all sun, sand and swimming though. Those of you who have visited our new website over the past few weeks will have noticed significant changes, including a new look and feel with additional content and free access to the Fund Selector, Fund Profiles News and the Library. Feedback from users has been positive, but further suggestions or comments are always welcome.
Looking back, 2012 was dominated by macro risks combined with politics and politicians - never a good mix. However the immediate threats to Europe were resolved by the "whatever it takes" approach, the US stepped back from the fiscal cliff and there does seem to be a recovery of sorts underway, and China appears to have avoided the hard landing scenario many were fearing.
Australia's equity gained 14.6% in 2012, and 20.2% on an accumulation basis with most of the gains coming in the final six months of the year as global risks subsided and interest rates fell to historical lows, leading to a search for yield which resulted in the big four banks and Telstra gain 30 to 40%, while the materials sector struggled. In this environment equity based hedge funds averaged gains of 12.18% with the best performing fund returning over 50% and the worst falling more than 40%. Manager and fund selection remains vital!
It seems unsurprising therefore that markets are experiencing a definite change to "risk on" based on feedback from a range of fund managers and investors. However that doesn't mean there aren't significant risks remaining, as some of the issues have just been deferred. Concerns remain in Australia that the price side of the P/E ratios have moved and there may be some delay in earnings. Another risk on the horizon seems to be the advent of the currency wars as the US, Europe and now Japan all compete to drive their currencies lower.
This article from macro manager Blue Sky Apeiron outlines their views on the possible outcomes and dangers that Japan's new policies are creating. Interesting and sobering, and if their suspected scenario comes to pass Australia will feel the effects given Japan's position of our second largest trading partner.
Elsewhere one of the major challenges the absolute return sector faces is the necessity to provide value in return for the fees charged. Downward pressure on fees continue, but this article in AFM's "Understanding Hedge Funds" series argues that it is not merely the size of the fees but the way they're structured that will come under scrutiny. We remain firmly of the view that paying high fees for the best managers is a sound investment, and paying fees for poor performance should lead to a change of manager.
And now for something completely different. Personally I have never enjoyed drinking exotic cocktails, but seeing the skills involved in making them might be a different matter - even in Russia.
Have a good week-end.
25 Jan 2013 - Performance Report: PM CAPITAL Absolute Performance Fund AUD
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Manager Comments | The Fund benefitted from its exposure to banking stocks as part of a broader US housing recovery theme which also included investments in property and casino stocks. The Fund also benefitted from a short exposure to the Yen. The Manager believes that the market has been climbing a wall of worry regarding macro factors, and has concentrated on stock picking within broad themes, including their view that the US housing recovery (and US asset prices in general) is likely to persist for some years. A such PM Capital's view is that the worst is over and businesses geared for the recovery will be rewarding investments over the longer term. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
23 Jan 2013 - New hedge fund bucks trend with fees cut
One of the UK's fastest-growing hedge funds is slashing its fees, in a move that it hopes will spark a rethink of the industry's notoriously high charges.
The new Core Macro fund being set up by Cambridge-based Cantab Capital will employ similar trading strategies as funds from Man Group, Winton Capital and BlueCrest, three of the world's biggest hedge funds that manage $100bn between them, but at half the cost to investors.
While the industry standard is an eye-watering "two and 20", or 2 per cent of all capital invested annually and 20 per cent of all profits, Cantab's new fund levies only 0.5 per cent and 10 per cent.
Fees are set to become one of the hedge fund industry's biggest areas of change as large institutional investors try to use their clout to force discounts in a tough trading environment that has dented hedge funds' once-high returns.
"We are seeing a substantial increase in institutional allocators investing directly in hedge funds and they are typically the most fee-sensitive," said Daniel Caplan, European head of global prime finance at Deutsche Bank. "A key focus is not paying for returns that are purely correlated to market moves - investors can access that more cost-effectively elsewhere."
Many hedge funds continue staunchly to resist lowering charges, argue that lower fees equate to lower quality. Man Group, Winton Capital and BlueCrest declined to comment.
Cantab's new fund, and those from the other three, belong to a class of quantitative funds called trend followers, which use computer algorithms to spot and trade on trends across different markets, and collectively manage around $330bn in assets, according to BarclayHedge.
Ewan Kirk, Cantab's founder, believes investors are being overcharged by many big quant funds. The trading strategies they provide can be delivered for lower costs, he said: "This is potentially a game changer," the ex-astrophysicist told the Financial Times. "It's like when Vanguard came out with the first index trackers."
Established large trend following funds point out that they invest considerably in constantly refining and tweaking their models to stay ahead of new competitors and ensure investors get what they pay for.
Click here to read the entire article from Sam Jones in London,
22 Jan 2013 - Performance Report: Pengana Emerging Companies Fund
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Fund Overview | The manager utilises a robust investment process that combines in depth fundamental research with disciplined portfolio construction and risk controls. |
Manager Comments | Pengana's monthly reported noted glimmers of hope that the outlook for global growth in 2013 would not be as bad as investors had feared just six months ago as uncertainty in the US, Europe and China receded. In addition Pengana noted that the relatively high yield from equities vs bonds in a falling interest rate environment will benefit the flow towards equities. In this environment the Fund added three new stocks to the portfolio over the past quarter, namely Charter Hall, SFG Australia and Vision Eye Institute, increased weightings to housing related stocks such as Fletcher Building and CSR, reduced weighting in Transpacific Industries and exited WDS due to the deteriorating outlook for the coal mining services division. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
10 Jan 2013 - Performance Report: Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund
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More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
9 Jan 2013 - Performance Report: Bennelong Kardinia Absolute Return Fund
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Fund Overview | The Fund consists of a concentrated long/short portfolio typically comprising 30 to 40 ASX300 listed stocks, generally with a long bias aligned to the overall market direction. There is a slight bias to large cap stocks in the long side of the portfolio, although in a rising market the portfolio will tend to hold smaller caps, including resource stocks, more frequently. The Fund was launched on 17th August 2011 following the resignation of Portfolio Managers Mark Burgess and Kristiaan Rehder from Herschel Asset Management in late July 2011. While at Herschel Burgess and Rehder had managed the Fund under the name of the Herschel Absolute Return Fund. As a result management of the Fund was transferred to Kardinia Capital, a new boutique fund manager 65% owned by Burgess and Rehder, with the balance owned by Bennelong Funds Management. The Fund's investment strategy and prior track record remains intact. |
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8 Jan 2013 - Performance Report: Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
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More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
21 Dec 2012 - Hedge Clippings 21 December
Welcome to the last edition of Hedge Clippings for 2012. It has been an eventful year here at AFM, but I guess when you're monitoring over 320 actively managed and absolute return funds that's always going to be the case.
First up, today we have released a new version of the Fund Monitors website. We hope you find it an improvement, but feel free to provide feedback (good or bad) and comments. If you're a previous user we suggest you press 'control + F5' on your keyboard to clear any cobwebs from the previous version. The new website will build and expand on coverage of fund performance and news feeds, including videos and research library.
Secondly, in October we launched an investable version of the E5 Equity Model Portfolio which we had used to track the performance of a small group of Australian actively managed equity funds. Over the previous five years the model portfolio had returned close to an annualised 15% with a volatility of less than 6%. Branded the AFM Prism Active Equity Fund, it is open to wholesale and sophisticated investors with a minimum investment of $250,000.
From a staffing perspective we welcomed a new administration manager (not my strongest suit), Alexis Scott who has transformed the office, but is still working on my time management. I think it's a case of the difficult we do at once, with the impossible taking a little longer. In January we look forward to welcoming a new Head of Research, and in February will launch the Prism Select Portal that will include selected research on 'best of breed' funds, with interactive online application functionality and reporting.
Meanwhile although there's still one month's data to come, year to date performance has ranged between great, good, ok, average, poor and unacceptable. All this does is confirm the diversity and range of funds, and skill of the various managers. YTD the best performing fund has returned investors 62% while the worst has fallen by -40%. In round terms just over 80% of funds have provided positive returns, while 30% have outperformed the ASX200.
Making it doubly difficult for investors is that many of the best performers have lifted their returns after a difficult few years, while some of the more disappointing had previously avoided risk in more troubled markets. Some, and we would argue the best, have provided the consistency of good risk adjusted returns year in and year out. Our 2012 Fund Review due out in late January will sort the wheat from the chaff.
And 2013 will probably see more of the same - a variety of performance and risk, no doubt with more new entrants and a few calling it a day. Life goes on, and we are eagerly looking forward to it. Maybe, hopefully, next year will see less political influence on the macro scene than the one just (almost) past.
And on that note I'd like to wish all readers compliments of the holiday season, and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Click here to register or change your subscription details and find out what's new in 2013.
Australian Fund Monitors (AFM) provides the most comprehensive source of data and information on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments in Australia.
Performance and Industry News will be updated weekly. We are also releasing a series of videos on Understanding Hedge Funds, with Fund Manager interviews to be added to the video showcase in 2013. Please watch the first video, which explains what a Hedge Fund actually is, by clicking here.
You can navigate through the site by either the Menu Bar in the header, or by using the icons at the top of each page.
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Registration to the AFM website is FREE and will provide access to general industry information and performance data and also to preview the comprehensive range of information provided by Australian Fund Monitors on Absolute Return, Hedge Funds and Alternative Investments in Australia.
AFM provides basic factual and performance information on each Fund, with the description of each Manager and their Funds' Strategy provided by the fund manager, or documentation provided by the fund manager. At the time of listing each Manager is requested to confirm their information and that they hold an appropriate and current Australian Financial Services Licence for any fund listed.
More detailed information on individual Managers and Funds, with historical results, key performance indicators, and the ability to save funds to a Watch List is restricted to Subscribers only. Please register prior to subscribing.
Enjoy your Summer holidays!
We would like to take this opportunity to wish all our visitors and clients a very merry Christmas and safe and happy holiday season. We look forward to a prosperous 2013!