13 Jul 2010 - Performance Report: Regal Tasman Market Neutral Fund
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Manager Comments | While long positions lost about 3% in total, some worked well with Mineral resources up 16%, Lihir Gold up 8%, and ICBC (Asia) up 10%. Cyclical long positions including Citadel and Transfield had a negative impact as well as shorts in Telstra and St Barbara and some longs in the financial sector. |
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12 Jul 2010 - HFA Asset Management rebrands to Certitude Global Investments
HFA Holdings has announced it will re-brand and re-position their Australian subsidiary, HFA Asset Management to “Certitude Global Investments” from August 1.
The announcement said that Certitude will increasingly offer single manager products to Australian investors, expand their target market to the institutional end of the spectrum, and provide greater simplicity and transparency in line with current investor requirements.
The company also announced that it was in the final stages of negotiating an exclusive distribution agreement with a leading European based asset manager, expected to be launched in early August.
HFA suffered, as did many fund of funds during the GFC, from redemptions and liquidity in underlying investments, and has seen FUM fall from over $10bn to the current level of A$5.7bn.
9 Jul 2010 - Performance Report: Bennelong Securities Long Short Equity Fund
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Manager Comments | Manager's outlook: 'Current consensus market expectations seem to have congregated as bearish and there remains evidence that equity markets at current levels represent good value. Under more normal circumstances it would be reasonable to expect to see a rally, as investors reassess the relative attractiveness of equities, however there are several factors that indicate these are not normal times and our view is the most likely scenario from here is ”the third dimension” where equity markets track sideways.' |
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8 Jul 2010 - Performance Report: K2 Asian Absolute Return Fund
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Manager Comments | While growth rates are holding up in most countries in the area, the manager is concerned about how much impact the rate of growth in developed countries will have in Asia. It is likely that K2 will maintain exposure at or below current levels over the next month, but as valuations are now providing some support any exposure reduction is likely to be small. |
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8 Jul 2010 - Performance Report: MM&E Takeover Target Fund
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Manager Comments | The manager says that the fund is defensively positioned given the market outlook, but will consider adding new positions in the upcoming reporting season. |
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8 Jul 2010 - Ascalon buys 30% stake in Regal Funds Management
Regal Funds Management, the Sydney-based alternative equity and hedge fund manager with approximately $350 million under management has sold a 30% stake in the business to Ascalon for an undisclosed sum.
Ascalon, which is part of BT Financial Group is a specialist investor in boutique fund management firms, providing a range of services to their underlying managers, in particular marketing to Australian investors.
Regal, which was formally 100% owned by brothers Philip and Andrew King, manages a series of wholesale equity-based funds including market neutral, long/short and Asian quantitative strategies and has a six-year track record. Regal's Amazon and Tasman market neutral funds, launched in June '05 and May '07 respectively have both produced annualised returns in excess of 20% since their inception.
8 Jul 2010 - Performance Report: Optimal Australia Absolute Trust
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Fund Overview | The Fund's bias is likely to be net long under normal market conditions, with the core strategy being to construct a portfolio of listed equity securities priced at levels that do not adequately reflect their underlying value. The Fund will seek to boost returns and limit potential market downside by selective short selling of individual stocks which are priced at levels that are viewed as materially above their underlying value. The Fund will also use certain trading strategies both within its core portfolio (through rebalancing stock weights and overall market exposure in response to price movements) and in certain other situations (typically of a shorter-duration and/or opportunistic nature) with the objective of further increasing returns. |
Manager Comments | The main contributors were long positions in resources and healthcare, along with short positions in banks, building materials, retail, REIT's and Index Futures. Having a negative impact on the fund's result were long positions in energy, media and gaming. |
More Information | » View detailed profile of this fund |
7 Jul 2010 - June absolute return and hedge fund review
In our latest review of the industry we provide a round-up of hedge fund news as well as giving a detailed run-down of the performance of our Model Portfolios.
As usual we include detailed analysis of performance for each strategy, industry comment and ranking tables for May 2010.
For detailed analysis of performance for each strategy, industry comment and ranking tables, please open the attached .pdf file.

7 Jul 2010 - Highlights of the US Financial Regulation Reform bill
Although the bill is yet to be signed off by President Obama, the Dodd-Frank Act is likely to change and shape the US banking and financial markets landscape for some time to come, but at over 2,300 pages it's not light reading.
As much as we'd like to claim that we have burnt the midnight oil to whittle down the legislation's essential points and then calculate the likely winners and losers, we can't.
However for an excellent summary of the Highlights from Reuters, click here, and (again courtesy of Reuters) a concise list of winners and losers.
7 Jul 2010 - UK Managers hope UK FSA will be gentle with them
U.K. hedge funds got a shocker Thursday when they discovered the E.U. had written them into legislation to restrict banker pay. They knew their pay practices faced curbs under a separate directive, but nothing had been set in stone, and the other proposals wouldn't take effect for at least a couple of years.
Now, they're in the E.U. net from January, though it's still unclear how the rules will actually play out in the U.K. and elsewhere. Because the E.U. has left national regulators some leeway, the U.K.'s FSA could decide much of the legislation isn't relevant to hedge fund firms and other asset managers, or at least none but the very largest... Full article (subscription required): Source