21 Jan 2009 - Equity and fixed interest strategies drive TGM's GTAA Fund to positive December return
Tactical Global Management Group's (TGA) GTAA Fund reported a gain of +1.30% (AUD share class) and +1.81% (USD share class) in December. The 2008 return for the fund was +0.91% (AUD) and-2.74% (USD).
Although the fund did not take any positions at a broad asset class level during December, individual strategies produced positive results. The fund's equity module benefited from the Japanese market's outperformance (up +3.8%) and short exposure to US equities, while the fixed interest module produced gains due to long US and short Japanese fixed interest exposure (partially offset by losses in short exposure to Australian fixed interest).
Going into 2009 the manager believes opportunities may present themselves in equity and fixed interest markets, due to overvalution or misprising of securities and excessive pessimism.
21 Jan 2009 - Wilson Asset Management LIC's outperform market in December
Wilson Asset Management's three listed investment companies - WAM Active Ltd, Wilson Investment Fund Ltd and WAM Capital Ltd - all posted positive returns in December to outperform the All Ordinaries Accumulation Index, which fell by -0.08%.
WAM Active Ltd was up +3.43% in December, which was attributed to positive returns in capital raisings trading, while at the same time the fund reduced its cash level to an average of 70%. Wilson Investment Fund Ltd was up +4.85%, and WAM Capital Ltd was up +3.09%.
The manager is expecting markets to be more orderly in 2009 and is bullish in the medium term regarding new investment opportunities, however will remain cautious given the unusual nature of the recent economic decline.
20 Jan 2009 - Asian markets drive MQ equity fund to positive December result
The MQ Asia Long Short Fund, managed by Macquarie Funds Group, posted a December return of +1.96%, due to gains of over +3% in the Hong Kong, Taiwanese and Korean equity markets. The fund was down -8.93% overall in 2008.
The manager noted that Australia was the only market to have a negative return in December, which offset the fund's positive performance in Asian markets. Regarding the fund's negative 2008 return, the manager attributed this more to liquidity driven price distortions, and the failure of analysts to cut estimates sufficiently for cyclical companies, rather than the general decline in equity markets. Although redemptions have been significant the fund remains profitable, and the manager belives there are an increasing number of investment avenues heading into 2009.
20 Jan 2009 - Poor December results cap off disappointing 2008 for Pengana funds
The Pengana Global Small Companies Solution was down -2.2% in December and was -47.5% for 2008. The Pengana Property Securities Fund was also negative in December, down -9.9% (-57.2% for 2008).
The Global Small Companies Solution, a fund of funds which invests with small regional company investment specialists, attributed the result to poor returns from their European manager, which offset positive performance from North America and Asia. The sharp depreciation of the Australian dollar also affected the final result.
The Property Securities Fund, which invests in listed real estate investments, outperformed the sector by +0.59% in December with a portfolio heavily weighted towards larger, less risky business models. The manager will remain cautious regarding the A-REIT sector going into 2009.
20 Jan 2009 - Negative return in December mars Shell Cove fund's excellent 2008 result
Shell Cove Capital Management's Black Marlin Fund returned a disappointing -3.49% in December, however was up +29.15% for 2008.
A sell off of resource equities and a rally in Australian bank stocks were the key drivers of the negative December result. Long volatility positions in US dollar bonds also produced negative returns. The manager believes there are still downside risks heading into 2009, and will remain cautious while looking out for clearer trending characteristics.
The Black Marlin Funds employs a global macro investment approach using long volatility strategies in equities, commodities, foreign exchange and fixed interest markets.
20 Jan 2009 - St Helens Capital funds finish 2008 with positive returns
St Helens Capital's (SHC) two absolute return funds, the SHC Arran Fund and the SHC Ailsa Fund, reported gains of +1.27% and +1.51% respectively in December. Both funds significantly outperformed the ASX200 in 2008 (-38.97%), the Arran Fund returning -5.44% and the Ailsa Fund -3.70%.
Both funds, which are Australian equity long/short funds, had a net long exposure in December and gained positive returns from positions in BHP and Wooloworths, among others. Negative returns came from positions in QBE and RIO, among others.
Looking forward into 2009 the manager is cautious in outlook, however is still hopeful there will be some positive catalysts to reverse some of the 2008 declines.
20 Jan 2009 - Headland fund re-enters market in 2009
Headland Global Asset Management's Global Diversified Fund, which has mainly been invested in cash since the Lehman Brothers investment bank collapse in September, returned +0.23% in December (+1.61% in 2008). The fund began to re-enter investment positions in early January.
The fund's investment strategies are consistent with the manager's negative outlook for the global economy, and include short positions in commodities and exposure to government debt.
The Headland Global Diversified Fund uses quantitative techniques to allocate capital to major investment themes in global bond, currency and commodity markets.
19 Jan 2009 - Apeiron fund strong in 2008 despite negative return in December
The Apeiron Global Macro Fund posted a return of -0.43% in December, however was up +18.83% for 2008.
The loss in December was attributed to losses in the fund's foreign exchange and commodity strategies, amidst lightly traded markets. The fund exited the US dollar markets in early December due to market volatility and the lack of market direction going into the Christmas break. The Apeiron Global Macro Fund, managed by Redwood Capital Group, utilises strategies in futures and foreign exchange markets, and seeks to define investment themes within a fundamental economic framework.
19 Jan 2009 - New Asian equities fund performs well for Platypus
Playtpus Capital Management's Asian Equities Fund, which commenced investing in September 2008, was down -0.87% in December but up +1.42% for 2008. Over the same period the MSCI Pacific Index returned -29.31%.
The negative return in December was attributed to the fund's net short weighting, as well as stock specific issues, however assets under management increased during this period. The fund will continue with the short positioning of its portfolio given the ongoing downward trends in Asian markets.
Platypus' other fund, the Platypus Australian Long/Short Fund, also recorded a loss in December (-0.72%) and was down -7.20% in 2008. December was notable for the decrease in market volatility, however there was significant movement in individual stocks. The fund remains heavily invested in cash going into 2009, reflecting current market conditions.
19 Jan 2009 - Antares fund negative in December due to late market rally
The Antares Lodestar Absolute Return Trust returned -1.44% in December, compared to the Australian sharemarket which lost -0.3% in the same period. The fund outperformed the market for most of the month, but was adversely impacted by a late market rally leading into the New Year.
Positive returns were generated from strategies in Challenger Financial, Felix Resources and Centennial Coal, offset by poor performance in Clough, BHP and Bradken. Overall the fund returned -23.6% in 2008, most of the loss occurring in the last quarter. The fund lowered its market exposure towards the end of December, remaining cautious for 2009, although the manager has noted a number of positive indicators in its outlook.